Mike Pence: First Admit Donald Trump Defeat, Then Go Overseas


  • Matthis Pechtold

    ofMatthis Pechtold

    to turn off

Mike Pence will have to acknowledge the defeat of Donald Trump no later than January 6. For the time after that, he is apparently working on an escape plan.

  • On January 6, he became Vice President of the United States. Mike pence inevitable, the defeat of Donald trump to be publicly recognized.
  • US government documents suggest that Mike pence Immediately after, a trip abroad to the Middle East and Europe will begin.
  • All the news too Donald trump, 45th President of the United States, in the Trump News.

Washington, DC: If the vice president of the United States. Mike pence has made resolutions for the new year is unknown. “Business as usual” as the motto for 2021 would be a surprise. Pennies he will no longer be able to remain silent on the subject of a change of power. Because he is also president of Congress and in this position will be the defeat of his boss on January 6 Donald trump You have to acknowledge them publicly for the first time.

What’s wrong with it Mike pence Shunned as far as possible until now, always writhing around clear confessions. Apparently he wants to avoid this immediately: according to his employees, he is planning a trip abroad immediately after the congress session during which he is Donald trump I don’t have to face it at first.

Vice President MIke Pence: After Trump walked away publicly, directly overseas?

As reported by the American media “Politico”, he wants Mike pence go on a trip abroad to Bahrain, Israel and Poland on January 6. Officially, it could further consolidate and promote Trump’s foreign policy coups. The trip should also bring you more affection from evangelicals, who make up a substantial portion of American Christians, and most of them as well. Donald trump to hold; his last trip took him to Jerusalem and Rome in January. As soon as he planned on Friday (December 18, 2020) against the Coronavirus has been vaccinated, a trip to the current access point of Corona, Israel, is possible again.

Apparently planning a quick exit right after Donald Trump’s admission of defeat: Mike Pence

© Jeff Dean / AFP

But “Politico” also speculates Pennies thus he could intelligently avoid conflicts with Trump. He continues to insist that he has been conned into electoral victory and lets his team of lawyers wage a so far completely fruitless legal battle, with no substantial evidence of manipulation in the government. 2020 U.S. elections. Even if many right-wing extremists, conspiracy myths and polarization republican They continue to stick to him, their support from powerful party colleagues is waning. Most recently, Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell congratulated Joe biden to your victory. Vice president Mike pence but so far he has meticulously avoided making clear statements.

Will have to admit defeat for Trump: Vice President Mike Pence

On January 6 it must show its colors when the Senate meets to approve the formal election of Joe biden to be confirmed by the electoral committee. As vice president is Mike pence at the same time President of the Senate, cannot avoid at least a sober determination of the outcome of the Senate meeting. How great the wrath of Donald trump may turn out to be the case, but you may be relieved of your position Pennies no: This would require an impeachment procedure, which only the House of Representatives can initiate. More recently, Attorney General William Barr requested a Triumphs Nice to make truthful comments United States election 2020 resign your position.

Then Bidens Take office after being sworn in as 46th President of the USA January 20 is the political race of Donald trump or their family members do not die suddenly. That could also Pennies to move, Triumph to remain as loyal to them as possible.

Despite distance from Donald Trump: Mike Pence continues to defend Republicans

Was Mike pence is also successful because the 2020 U.S. elections in total they have not finished yet: Georgia elects its two senators in a runoff on January 5. Here is involved Pennies busy campaigning. Ask the campaign team of Donald trump for support, help PenniesOtherwise, he is currently more useful in Georgia, making one of his employees to “Politico”.

That Mike pence According to the White House, it has not yet been confirmed to board a plane to the east on January 6. If so, the appointment was only made because Pennies previously he will have been obliged to other appointments. Yes Donald trump would be satisfied with this justification is uncertain. (Matthis Pechtold)

Headline list image: © Elijah Nouvelage / AFP
