Michael Flynn on Newsmax: Donald Trump could force a new election with the army


  • Delia friess

    ofDelia friess

    to turn off

Donald Trump has apparently found a suitable replacement for Fox News on the right-wing channels OAN and Newsmax. Michael Flynn thinks out loud about a hit.

  • Donald trump: Breast Haussender Fox News no longer fully ready for the lies of the voted Presidents of United States to spread further.
  • The right TV channels are there for this NAO and Newsmax Behind Donald trumps unsubstantiated accusations and give Trump allies as Michael flynn a stage.
  • All background information and news too Donald trump and the US, see Trump News.

Update on Friday, December 18, 2020 at 9.45 am: Donald trump had recently pardoned him, since then he has felt the president-elect of the U.S apparently particularly bound: Michael flynn, former Trump national security adviser. On a right transmitter switching call Newsmax bring Flynn an option for Triumph at stake, which according to him is legitimized by the fact that it has already been used 64 times: the declaration of martial law.

Donald Trump (left) and Michael Flynn

© Nicholas Kamm / AFP, Mandel Ngan / AFP

Then i could Donald trump Those swinging states he’s against Joe biden has lost, it will force new elections to be held. You could then collect and replace any voting machine. The conspiracy myth Triumph has made its fans credible since the 2020 U.S. election, including the unsubstantiated claim that electronic vote counting machines, or voting machines for short, had been rigged in rows.

Two right-wing TV channels support Donald Trump and are the new Fox News

The retired army officer is considered a key figure in the Russian affair. Donald trump announced on November 25, Michael flynn pardon. This means that the security authorities can no longer question him on the Russian matter: on December 8, the responsible judge closed the case. As high-ranking members of the Democrats speculated, the outgoing president might have protected himself. It is likely that Flynn I have information that also Donald trump put them in conflict with the law.

First report of Thursday, December 17, 2020, 6:00 am: Washington DC – After the defeat of Donald trump at 2020 U.S. elections it was the same correct speaker Fox News I am no longer willing to tell the lies of Donald trump and his followers: inside as for example Rudy giuliani to spread. Although there was Triumph the station still had phone interviews, however Fox News took the blank allegations of voter fraud made by Triumph-Equipment still up, not up and fixed. as well Triumph the course change fell from Fox News about how he per Twitter Release.

Business Fox News Channel
CEO Suzanne Scott (May 17, 2018 -)
establishment October 7, 1996, USA
Campus New York, USA
founder Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes

Donald Trump’s favorite channel Fox News also declined after unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud.

© Mario Tama / AFP

Donald Trump: two right-wing broadcasters take on the role of Fox News

Now it is speculated if Fox News you could lose your regular audience. The two correct transmitters Newsmax and NAO that is, they are also willing to continue the lies of the voted President of the United States, Donald Trump and support their allegations of systematic voter fraud.

After the electorate in Electoral College the will of the voters: they have followed and Joe biden However, as presidents of the United States, there was a change of course, albeit a small one, in these two right-wing channels, as the Washington Post explains in an article.

2020 US Elections: OAN and Newsmax Support Donald Trump’s Blank Claims

Newsmax, the larger of the two transmitters Biden from this moment on as “president elect” (president-elect). John Bachman, the host of the afternoon show Newsmax, he also talked about it for Triumph all legal ways of winning the election have failed. “I am trying to dampen all expectations. These judges do not seem to accept these cases. That’s the reality, ”said the moderator about the failed attempts. Triumphs against the result of 2020 U.S. elections to complain.

As a journalist for the Washington Post Newsmax the Triumph-The administration criticized for its claims, moderator Bob Sellers took up Triumph-Page one. “It’s funny what you’re saying,” said the host of the show.

Name Newsmax Media
establishment September 16, 1998
function right-wing conservative newscaster
television channel Newsmax TV (as of June 16, 2014)

After the 2020 US elections: Donald Trump receives support from the right-wing channels OAN and Newsmax

The transmitter is completely different NAO: There the vote of the electorate of the Electoral College of Joe biden to the Presidents of United States just ignored. Instead, something else was shown. As reported by the Washington Post, Electoral College was also in the news NAO just omitted. It remains to be seen how the station will be after the inauguration of Joe biden inform more. (Delia Friess)

Headline list image: © Nicholas Kamm / AFP, Mandel Ngan / AFP
