Mandatory mask: here you can buy mouth protection near you



  • You can find oral protection manufacturers near you on the website, reports the magazine “Horizont”.
  • From this week on, masking is mandatory in almost all of Germany on public transport and shopping.
  • The platform must be compatible with both customers and manufacturers.

As of today, the mask requirement applies to stores and public transportation in almost all 16 federal states. Due to the large crowds, many small manufacturers cannot keep up with the production of masks. The website helps find mouth guard manufacturers in your area, reports the weekly newspaper “Horizont”.

Stuttgart agency RTS Rieger Team started the initiative. To find a mask dealer, all you have to do is enter your zip code on the website. Sellers include professional manufacturers and people who offer self-sewn masks so that people can quickly equip themselves with the prescribed mouth protection.

“Everyone is protected, everyone is better protected. For the equation to work, people also need to know where they can get masks from, ”says Jörg Dambacher, Managing Director of the RTS Rieger Team.

Also read

Mask requirement: what kind of face mask is suitable for you and how you can make, wear and clean the masks yourself

With the platform, the agency supports not only clients looking for masks, but also manufacturers seeking clients. Because many people and manufacturers have started producing mouth protectors because of financial difficulties because they are currently unable to work on their jobs.

Manufacturers can simply register by email on the website, which is still under construction.
