Mandatory mask: Aldi, REWE and Co. – here you can buy masks


The mask requirement has been in effect in all federal states since the end of April. But where can you buy masks? Many discount stores and pharmacies will sell mouth guards in the future:

  • This has been in force in Germany since the end of April. Mask requirement.
  • Who Mouthguard Whoever wants to buy can go to these stores.
  • Where More expensive to to buy gives:

Almost all citizens in Germany have had one since the end of April Mask use, because all federal states have introduced a mask requirement. A mouth guard is said to hold back the drops that come from talking, coughing, or sneezing, according to the Robert Koch Institute. This can prevent transmission of the corona virus to other people. Because: Not all people infected with Covid 19 realize that they are sick. For him Mask requirement just enough Everyday masks of either one purchase or just sew it yourself.

But the purchase of the mask is in the current one Crown crisis It is not that easy. In pharmacies and hardware stores, masks have often been out of stock for a long time, and protective masks are offered at expensive prices in online stores or, worse, fake stores. Many local stores also offer homemade masks, but now the big ones are also pulling Discount chains and pharmacies then

Mask Requirement: Aldi and Lidl will soon sell mouth guards

The first discount stores in Germany have been offering masks since April 29 and are beginning to fight the crown virus. These are mainly disposable masks that are made for single use only. Among other things, Aldi Süd begins to equip the first branches with the protective masks on Wednesday. As announced by a company spokesperson, this is a set of 10 skins. Competitor Lidl is also approaching and selling mouth guards at 3,200 branches “at cost price,” as the discount emphasizes. Aldi is also said to forgo a profit margin.

The Prices the More expensive at Discounts it’s included Aldi at 6.99 euros (pack of 10) and in Lidl at 33 euros (pack of 50). Lidl has 14 million masks. These are sold while supplies last. But: it is applied in discount branches only one mask item per customer!

If you prefer to buy a mask yourself, we have some super simple instructions. So you can get a mouth guard in less than a minute.

Buy masks: supermarkets also offer mouth guards

Too Aldi Nord wants his clients soon More expensive offer, as the company tells the German press agency. When that will be, however, is unclear. But other chains also want to update their range of products with skins to protect themselves against that. Corona virus to be able to offer.

Then it starts REWE, Penny and Toom May 2 with the Sale of Mouthguard. Also want Edeka start selling masks and gradually sell them. An exact date is also not available here.

Buy mask – the pharmacy sells a mask for 1 euro

Due to the mask requirement, customers can only enter stores with a face mask. The Dm pharmacy wants to offer individual protective masks at the entrance of the store to all buyers without a mask, for one euro. “A regular sale of masks cannot currently be guaranteed in the current exceptional situation“emphasizes the head of dm Christoph Werner. The acquisition of masks is very difficult because the global demand is high. The face mask of the dm brand is no longer available until further notice, since the masks are made in France and there is currently a export stop. Rossmann again, the first branches want to join in the last week of April Protective face masks to equip

Since late April, masks have been mandatory for shopping or on the bus and train.


By the way: Masks cause foggy lenses on many eyeglass wearers. But it does not have to be like that. With a few simple tricks you will have a clear vision again. Also, wearing a mask in the car is basically allowed, but there is a big but …

jol / dpa

Source: Mannheim24

Image of rubric list: © HEIDELBERG24
