Lufthansa faces tougher cuts


twoElimination of 2,000 full-time jobs, elimination of 100 aircraft – the known cuts for Deutsche Lufthansa already sounded huge. However, at an internal employee event online, CEO Carsten Spohr said Tuesday that these steps should not be enough to allow the group to recover from the corona pandemic. This is reported in corporate circles.

Timo Kotowski

Ahead of the upcoming board of directors and supervisory board meetings next week, it is now clear that a few thousand more items will be removed and that some 30 more aircraft could disappear from the fleet. Even the premature end of the Lufthansa Group’s large Airbus A380 is a likely option. The group does not officially comment on the scenarios and points out that there is no new resolution.

Two reasons lead to a more skeptical view of the Lufthansa leadership. In the medium term, in view of the recent increase in the number of infections, a slower recovery in air traffic is expected. And in the short term, one complains of a drop in reserves since the federal government’s plan to send people from risk areas to forced quarantine for at least five days starting in October. The German aviation association BDL had already criticized the fact that the forced quarantines would in fact act as another blockade.

“Catastrophic” reserve figures

Spohr is said to have described the October hiring numbers as “catastrophic” vis-à-vis employees. We are talking about 10 percent of the level of the previous year. This means that the original goal of returning to 50 percent of last year’s supply by the end of the year is unlikely to be achievable. For the year as a whole, Spohr is said to have given a value of 25 percent, according to company circles.
