Large police force searches buildings in West Pomerania | – news


Status: 01.10.2020 6:14 pm

A large police force searched several properties in West Pomerania. Two men with ties to a radical right-wing group allegedly saw attacks on police officers.

In the Vorpommern-Greifswald district, several objects were searched on Thursday. A total of 160 police officers were on duty. They had been searching for weapons, ammunition, documents and electronic media since the morning. According to the State Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the storage media and “objects” that are now being examined to see if they are covered by the Gun Law were protected.

Planned attacks on police officers?

According to Chief Prosecutor Harald Nowack of the Rostock Public Prosecutor’s Office, responsible for the fight against terrorism and extremism, it is being investigated on suspicion of a serious violent act that is dangerous for the state, but also on suspicion of an attack against the law of weapons. A 52- and 44-year-old German from the region is said to have considered killing people, especially “uniformed circles,” Nowack continued.

Both men in general

One of the suspects is said to belong to a group that police say represents far-right views. The two are said to have cooperated in the searches. According to Nowack, both men are at large and are not subject to any information requirements. For them, the presumption of innocence still applies, so does the attorney general.

“No strangers”

When it comes to homicides, the Public Ministry distinguishes whether it is directed against public officials or against the civilian population. If you are targeting police officers, you are investigating a serious act of violence that is dangerous to the state. For this reason, the Public Ministry highlights the alleged intention to kill policemen. According to Nowack, the searches were preceded by investigations by the State Criminal Police Office. “In this sense, the two defendants were not strangers to us.”

Focus on the garage complex in Löcknitz

The investigators had no indication that there was an imminent danger to the population. Nowack did not comment on the exact locations of the searches. According to NDR information, a house and garage complex were also searched in Löcknitz, near the Polish border. Is the same Garage complex that right-wing extremists and the “Reichsbürger” had used as a meeting place until the district banned it.

Caffier: “Hold the pressure and don’t give in”

According to the Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier (CDU), the searches are evidence of the defensibility of the democratic state. “The security authorities of our country are attentive and capable of acting at all times in the fight against extremism and terrorism. We maintain the pressure and we will not give in,” said the minister. It was not until mid-September that a man’s residence and business premises near Neubrandenburg were searched and the storage media confiscated on suspicion of extremism.

10/01/2020 2:24 pm

Editor’s Note: The first version of this article said that their weapons had been confiscated. But that has not been confirmed.

Additional Information

An office building of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Rampe, near Schwerin.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Jens Büttner

After the search of the residential and commercial premises of a Bundeswehr soldier in Sponholz, near Neubrandenburg, the analysis of the confiscated objects continues. plus

Symbolic image: flat band with letters

The Vorpommern-Greifswald district is cracking down on far-right structures and prohibits a meeting on stage in Löcknitz. Several officers were attacked during a police check. plus

An office building of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Rampe, near Schwerin.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Jens Büttner

After the search of the residential and commercial premises of a Bundeswehr soldier in Sponholz, near Neubrandenburg, the analysis of the confiscated objects continues. plus

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NDR 1 Radio MV | 01.10.2020 | 6 pm

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