Joe Biden wants to promote Fauci – warns of “Blender dictatorship”


foreign countries Biden attacks Trump

“They think: my God, things like this happen in the dictatorships of Blender”

| Reading time: 3 minutes

This is Joe Biden’s business cabinet

The future president of the United States, Joe Biden, has presented his economic and financial cabinet. Most of the faces are already familiar to the Obama administration. But not all are indisputable.

Joe Biden worries about America’s image in the world and attacks Donald Trump in unusually sharp ways. In addition, the Democrat promotes Corona expert Anthony Fauci, a man who repeatedly clashed with his predecessor.

reThe presence of Donald Trump at the inauguration of the future US president in January is, in Biden’s opinion, important to the reputation of the United States. Trump’s participation would only be important in one respect, President-elect Joe Biden said Thursday (local time) in an interview with CNN: “That at the end of this chaos that he has caused we can demonstrate that there is a peaceful transfer of power, with the competing parties standing there, shaking hands and moving forward. “

He was concerned about the image America would give the world. “Look how they see us, you think to yourself: my God, things like that happen in the dictatorships of Blender. It is not the United States. ” It was Trump’s decision to come or not, but his actions would have consequences for the country.

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Soon a retired president: Donald Trump

Trump has yet to recognize Democrat Biden as the winner of the November 3 presidential election and poses as the victim of massive electoral fraud for which there is no evidence. He has filed numerous lawsuits challenging the results, but has so far failed to achieve any notable legal success.

Republicans call out Biden

Even top members of Trump’s Republicans have yet to publicly recognize Biden as the winner of the election. Biden now said that “more than some current Republican senators” had called him privately and congratulated him. “I understand what kind of situation you are in until the election is decided clearly in mind with the electoral college votes,” Biden said.

The president of the United States is indirectly elected by the people. The votes of the electors in the states determine the composition of the electoral college that elects the president on December 14. A majority of the 538 electorate is required to win; Biden can count on 306 electorates. The inauguration is scheduled for January 20.

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During his tenure, Trump ignored many customs and broke numerous taboos, which is why there is speculation about whether he will attend Biden’s inauguration, as opposed to what is traditionally done in the United States. Trump left a corresponding question unanswered last week.

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Biden promotes Fauci

Biden wants renowned corona expert Anthony Fauci to be his top medical advisor. Biden told the CNN news channel on Thursday that he had asked Fauci in a conversation to “be the lead medical advisor for me and part of the Covid team.” On the same day, the United States registered more than 210,000 new infections in 24 hours, a new record since the pandemic began.

Biden, who will take office on January 20, has made fighting the crown pandemic his most urgent task. On CNN, he announced that after his oath, he would call on the population to wear a protective mask for the next 100 days. “Not forever. 100 days.” This, and with vaccines, could “significantly” reduce the number of infections.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is a member of President-elect Donald Trump’s corona crisis team. With his vast experience and unadorned evaluations of the corona pandemic, the 79-year-old immunologist gained wide public recognition. At the same time, he repeatedly incurred the resentment of the president, who had downplayed the danger of the corona virus from the start.
