In the future, it will be mandatory to wear a mask on these ten streets – BZ Berlin


In the future, the mask requirement will also apply to ten streets in Berlin.

To contain the corona pandemic, the requirement for masks in Berlin is being expanded. In the future, it should also apply to weekly markets, certain shopping streets and queues where the minimum distance of 1.5 meters is not respected. The Senate decided on Tuesday.

These ten streets will be affected by the mask requirement in the future:

  • Schlossstrasse (Steglitz)
  • Tauntzienstrasse (Charlottenburg / Schöneberg)
  • Kudamm (Charlottenburg / Wilmersdorf)
  • Wilmersdorfer Strasse (Charlottenburg)
  • Bergmannstraße (Kreuzberg)
  • Friedrichstrasse (center)
  • Bölschestraße (Friedrichshagen)
  • Old Schönhauser Strasse (center)
  • Old town of Spandau
  • Karl-Marx-Strasse (Neukölln)

The mask should also be mandatory in covered shopping malls. What has long been true in business is now spreading into the aisles.

Read also:

► More and more Berliners are in a bad mood with masks on public transport

► Mitte now allows restaurateurs to use radiant heaters

Due to the corona pandemic, lower upper limits for private meetings in Berlin will soon apply. Outside, only 25 people instead of the previous 50 can meet, inside instead of the previous ten people, only the members of a household plus a maximum of five other people.

Until now, the obligation to wear mouth and nose protection applies to shops on buses and trains, in offices, in restaurants away from the table or in schools, but only outside the classroom and not in the schoolyard. playtime.

Increasing number of corona infections in Berlin

Recently, the rate of corona infection has continuously increased in Berlin. The number of new infections per 100,000 residents in seven days increased to 89.2 (as of Monday). Therefore, the capital is well above the critical threshold of 50.

In view of this development, the red-red-green Senate has already adopted several measures since September 28, or later tightened them: among them, the mask requirement in office buildings, the upper limits for private meetings within (ten people) and out (50) and strict contact restrictions at Night.

The Senate wants to make a curfew in the court

Also, following a first legal defeat, the Senate wants to have the curfew imposed to contain the corona pandemic in court. This was announced by Müller on Tuesday after the meeting. An ordinance and a change in the law are envisaged in order to “sharpen” the night curfew, in addition to the prohibition of serving alcohol both for the catering trade and for night outlets. All restaurants and almost all stores have had to close between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. since October 10. Last Friday, the Berlin Administrative Court ruled that the curfew did not withstand legal scrutiny.

At least the eleven innkeepers who called the court no longer have to comply. The Senate appealed. The time is still open when the Superior Administrative Court will decide on the matter.
