Hessen is drastically reducing public life


AOn Wednesday, all schools in Hesse will no longer be required to attend, and operations will continue as before on Monday and Tuesday. This was announced by Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) on Sunday after deliberations between the federal and state governments. A basically similar regulation will apply to nurseries. Parents are asked to leave their little ones at home. Anyone who cannot do so due to professional obligations should be able to count on the care in schools or day care centers. Unlike other federal states, Hesse does not distinguish between types of schools or grades, Bouffier emphasized.

Ewald Hetrodt

He defended the national closure against criticism. Bouffier admitted that the imminent closure of retail on Wednesday would provoke a large crowd inside cities in the days before. But he pointed out exceptions. Daily needs can still be covered. So it doesn’t have to happen now, Bouffier said. “The alternative would have been to close everything at the beginning of the week. But then they would have accused us of causing total chaos. “

Contact restrictions for family celebrations will be regulated by the federal states in accordance with a written agreement with the Federal Chancellor “depending on their respective infection rate.” First, Hessen follows the general agreement about four people who go beyond their own home. Bouffier stressed the inviolability of the apartment. “We will not allow the police to verify compliance with the regulations under the Christmas tree.” The conference between the chancellor and the heads of government, which lasted just over an hour on Sunday morning, had been intensively prepared, Bouffier reported. Monday’s resolutions would be finalized with the ordinances to be adopted by the Corona cabinet. They are valid until January 10. The Bundestag should also create more legal requirements in the next week, Bouffier said. These are, for example, compensation and tax exemptions for retailers.

“I don’t think everything will be okay again on January 10.”

In view of the high number of infections in Hessian nursing homes and nursing homes, there should be more evidence, Bouffier said. You are assuming that now there is a possibility to do this everywhere and that there are enough skins. However, the Prime Minister again spoke out against “preventing any contact with visitors.” Discussions with churches should clarify what regulations can be used to reduce risks in religious services. “I don’t think everything is going to be okay on January 10,” Bouffier said. But when prime ministers and the chancellor meet for their next meeting on January 4, it will be clear where things are going.

After the press conference, Bouffier briefed the chairmen of the parliamentary groups in the state parliament. In the last weeks you had asked for a greater participation in the decisions. SPD leader Nancy Faeser spoke of a “painful but necessary step in view of the development of the infection.” Intensive care and emergency beds should be prevented from being fully occupied. It is also about patients who are urgently dependent on intensive care medicine beyond Corona. Doing the right thing now is not just a matter of common sense, but also “a matter of solidarity between us.”

Decisions are tough, but you have to accept them, said Eberhard Flammer, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Now they meant major cuts in the important Christmas business for retail. “But in view of the number of infections, the Hessian economy accepts decisions responsibly.” The survival of retailers must be guaranteed. Politicians strive to limit the damage. But the long wait for aid in November and December is depleting reserves. Almost no one can provide security in planning in a pandemic. “But politics must adhere to the expectations that have been raised.” The state cannot absorb all the losses because public funds are limited. “But the longer the pandemic lasts, the more personalized the aid programs should be.”
