Hagen: custody! Boys (13, 14) are said to have raped a woman in a parking lot – Ruhr area


Hagen (North Rhine-Westphalia) – Two boys (13, 14) are said to have raped a young girl (21) in Hagen, just above the main police station!

The children are said to have attacked the victim on Friday afternoon in front of the elevator door on the third floor. According to information from BILD, surveillance cameras recorded the crime.

The alleged senior perpetrator already has a thick police file. Among other things, it was noted for property damage and theft. It has recently been released; a juvenile judge had previously sentenced him to four weeks’ arrest. He is in custody due to the rape charge.

In dem Parkhaus bekam offenbar niemand das Geschehen im Treppenhaus mitPhoto: Andreas Wegener

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Apparently no one in the parking lot noticed what was happening on the staircase.Photo: Andreas Wegener

His friend, who is not yet of criminal age, was turned over by the police to the juvenile welfare office.

According to the prosecution, the victim arrived in Hagen by train. The suspects drank alcohol with the young woman and, according to witnesses, bought a bottle of vodka at a newsstand in the city. They then entered the parking lot with two other acquaintances.

In front of the elevator on the third floor, the two are said to have abused the woman together. Subsequently, the victim filed a complaint. Police officers were able to temporarily arrest the suspects a little later. The two acquaintances are said to have witnessed the alleged rape.

Just a few weeks ago, a similar event in Wendlingen (Baden-Württemberg) caused horror. There, it is said that three young women (16, 17, 19) raped a 13-year-old in a business park.
