Günther: The partial lockdown will last until January | NDR.de – News – Schleswig-Holstein


Status: 02.12.2020 9:03 pm

Despite the relatively low number of infections in Schleswig-Holstein, there is initially no greater scope for further relaxation of corona measures.

Prime ministers of the federal states discussed a number of issues with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Wednesday, including the crown pandemic. Schleswig-Holstein Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) announced in the evening that the partial closure with closed restaurants, museums, theaters and entertainment facilities will run until January 10. Originally, the current editions were limited to December 20. The Nov. 25 resolutions were finalized, Günther said. It was agreed that all measures should continue to apply until early January.

State ordinance must adapt

“In principle, the condition remains as it is now,” Merkel said. The next federal-state meeting will take place on January 4. Then it should be discussed how to proceed in the corona pandemic as of January 11. There is an exception in the north for the Christmas holidays: From December 23 to 27, a maximum of two hotel nights is allowed for family visits. To do this, the state ordinance must be changed, which will then apply from December 21 to January 10.

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A woman wears a mask and opens a window.  © picture alliance / Sven Simon Photo: FrankHoermann / SVEN SIMON

These rules for dealing with the corona pandemic apply until December 20. more

“The measure of action is still the infection process”

“So far we have been very successful in fighting the pandemic,” Günther said. “We do not want to jeopardize the successes to which the vast majority of the population has contributed through solidarity and disciplined behavior.”

More recently, the seven-day value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in Schleswig-Holstein was 43.4 (as of December 2, 8 pm) and therefore significantly below the values ​​in other federal states. The measure of action remains the infection process, Günther said. If you help now, you can open a perspective of relaxation and more opportunities after the Christmas holidays. “We can find a good base for the vacancies together.”

Better business support from January

In addition, the federal and state governments decided in their video conference that companies affected by the corona pandemic will be supported with the improved conditions of Bridging Aid III as of January 1. “At the meeting, the Chancellor made it clear that the federal government would comply with the request of the state of Schleswig-Holstein to lower the turnover threshold for November and December aid for indirectly affected companies to 40 percent,” explained Günther for the night in Kiel. This is good news for these companies. “

More information

Daniel Günther sits at a desk in State House SH.  © NDR

20 minutes

See here how the Prime Minister in the state parliament explained the measures taken at the Corona summit and the special Schleswig-Holstein road. 20 minutes

Daniel Günther gives a government statement on crown policy in the Kiel state parliament.

2 minutes

The low incidence in Schleswig-Holstein made it possible. Overnight stays in hotels are also possible at Christmas. 2 minutes

A sign indicates the existing mask requirement and the distance requirement.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photography: Hauke-Christian Dittrich / dpa

The heads of state and federal government have extended the partial blockade until January 10. An overview of all the rules. more

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | Schleswig-Holstein News | 03.12.2020 | 6:00 am.

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