FC Bayern: Süle is ridiculed for “Who wants to be a millionaire” – “What is a monarch?”


The whole show was as stark as this picture: The “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” special with German soccer stars was, at best, entertaining on average. However, there were some embarrassing moments. image: TVNOW / Frank Hempel

The DFB stars in “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”: “What is a Monarch?” – Süle is ridiculed

This special edition was eagerly awaited by many soccer fans: five national players, Leon Goretzka, Joshua Kimmich, Lukas Klostermann, Niklas Süle and Kevin Trapp, as well as the director of the national teams Oliver Bierhoff competed in teams of two with the quizmaster. Günther Jauch.

As with all celebrity specials, the footballers did not earn the money they earned for their own pockets, but instead donated it to various charitable causes. A special feature of this show: Moderator Barbara Schöneberger was available with her advice as a phone prankster. So nothing got in the way of an entertaining quiz night. Really…

Leon Goretzka and Joshua Kimmich

Leon Goretzka (left) and Joshua Kimmich started out as the first counseling team on Monday night. image: TVNOW / Frank Hempel

“I already played Bundesliga games so I was less excited than today,” Leon Goretzka said at the start of his round with teammate Joshua Kimmich. Unfortunately, her enthusiasm didn’t make the show any more exciting. In general, Goretzka in the duet with Kimmich tends to take the initiative at first, trying to integrate it to find the answer. However, neither of them are really talkative, as Günther Jauch’s attempts to let the two of them chat a bit outside the box are of little help.

Example: when asked which German rapper usually appears with sunglasses (answer: Apache 207), Jauch asks what kind of music the two footballers would listen to before a match. “Widely diversified rap” and “sometimes German rap” were not very exciting responses. At least the public found out that Toni Rüdiger likes being the booth DJ.

When it comes to the € 16,000 issue, Goretzka and Kimmich have to think about it carefully. This is where on the license plate inspection label is the month in which the next major inspection is due. Jauch says ironically:

Although this phrase by Günther Jauch fell with a wink, the outrage on Twitter is very real:

Other Twitter users, however, defend the two footballers:

In the end, Goretzka and Kimmich ask the “audience”, which consists of selected employees of the DFB. The team manager, Tommy, knows the correct answer to the question (the month is “at the top” of the inspection label) and thus takes the two athletes one step further. For the € 64,000 question, the two used phone prankster Barbara Schöneberger for the first time that night.

The question: “What word is in an Italian dictionary?”

A: futschikato
B: picobello
C: schickeria
D: incognito

Schöneberger guessed “D” with his knowledge of Italian. The two footballers follow his advice and choose “incognito”, right! With the question of the 125,000 euros, the two call the chef of the team Anton Schmaus. The question is which tree must be between 30 and 40 years old before you can get a product from it. The options were maple syrup, cinnamon stick, olive oil, nutmeg. Goretzka and Kimmich do not reach an agreement even with the help of the second telephone prankster and end the question. In the end, you win 64,000 euros for a good cause.

Niklas Süle and Lukas Klostermann

Lukas Klostermann and Niklas Süle are doing relatively well. image: TVNOW / Frank Hempel

Next up are Lukas Klostermann from RB Leipzig and Niklas Süle from FC Bayern Munich. You can easily answer the first questions, find out which billionaire “SpaceX” you belong to, and joke around with Günther Jauch. When asked, “Which artist recently peed at his 21st Grammys?” Barbara Schönberger was called again for advice. She advises the two of them to answer “A”, Justin Bieber. However, Süle and Klostermann do not trust her and choose Kanye West. The good thing, because that’s the correct answer.

The next question became controversial: it was about the amount of the deposit you receive for a case of beer with 24 bottles. Süle and Klostermann used the public joker to answer this question. The team’s game analyst deduces that it must be 3.42 euros. He was right, and the two of them got one more round.

Metacritic on Twitter:

“What is a monarch?”: Süle is ridiculed on Twitter

But the two again stumble upon the question: “The monarch of what state is sometimes called the ‘queen of the volcano’ because she supposedly smokes 60 cigarettes a day?” The Royal experts among us know this even without the answer options. But for Süle, it was first necessary to clarify what a “monarch” was, well.

It can happen, but the public was ruthless and made fun of the footballer.

Barbara Schöneberger was called back to answer the question. At least now, Günther Jauch also questions the “men’s group”. Klostermann is still not convinced after Schöneberger’s very confident answer “Denmark” and wants to use the 50/50 wild card. However, Süle calms him down by telling him that he also has “Denmark” on his mind. Klostermann relies more on the instinct of his teammate than on the actual knowledge of Barbara Schöneberger, and this is how they both reach their goal. They go home with a total of 125,000 euros for good causes.

Kevin Trapp and Oliver Bierhoff

Oliver Bierhoff (left) and Kevin Trapp close the evening. image: TVNOW / Frank Hempel

Finally, there are former national player and Oliver Bierhoff, as well as current national player Kevin Trapp. Questions about the human body in particular don’t seem to have taken hold of the two greats of soccer. Bierhoff thinks out loud that a “regression course” after delivery is about the regression of internal organs. Oh. Unfortunately, Jauch’s anecdote about his own participation in such a regression course cannot particularly lighten the mood.

Bierhoff and Trapp then used their 50/50 joker to answer the question of what constitutes the largest proportion of the body weight of a normal-weight adult male: muscle, bone, skin, or blood. (The correct answer is, of course, the muscles). Very good. In the end, the two fail due to a car issue and take home 32,000 euros.

That could have been better


It doesn’t get very cozy in the studio. All footballers seem quite tense and rigid. Either out of fear of Oliver Bierhoff and his PR schemes, as is often suspected on social media, or simply because of the normal tension that everyone probably has in Günther Jauch’s chairmanship of the council, of course it cannot be understood from the sofa at home.

Unfortunately, as a viewer during and after the show, I didn’t feel like I had gotten to know soccer stars better. The dark, uniform-like uniforms did not really help to bring out the individual personalities of the footballers.

In between, Jauch tries to explain the somewhat dull mood in the studio with the lack of audience. Whether that’s why or not: The show was not as entertaining as many would have liked.

All the men

“Do women really work in the DFB?” The question is not just on Twitter. As a spectator, you inevitably ask yourself this question when, in addition to question master Günther Jauch, six men dressed in identical dark clothes enter the field and the audience, which is made up of several DFB employees, is made up only of men dressed in black. . It couldn’t be less diverse.

The idea of ​​integrating Barbara Schöneberger so prominently on the show (she was called out four times after all) seems like an afterthought in this context as well: as if those involved had noticed at some point that only men are actually represented on the program. So you could at least assign some “women’s issues” like fashion, royalty, and celebrities to Schöneberger.

Conclusion: The DFB has missed a great opportunity to send a positive signal in favor of diversity in football. Is German soccer really just male and white? And the women’s team? With non-white DFB employees? Unfortunately, this circumstance was particularly notable because the rest of the show was very little entertaining. Pity!

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