Farmers block Rewe’s logistics center in Kiel | – news


Status: 11/30/2020 9:41 pm

Farmers demonstrate with their tractors in front of the Rewe logistics center in Kiel. They ask for more money for their products and a greater share of the profits.

According to the police, more than 100 farmers blocked access to the Rewe logistics center in Kiel with more than 50 tractors on Monday night. The farmers’ protest is directed against the prices of the large supermarket chains. They demand to be more involved in profits than before. They also ask for more money for their products.

The protest is directed against retail chains

In mid-November, various associations, including Land Creates Connection (LSV), announced a different pricing policy between direct customers, such as dairies and slaughterhouses. Now the protest is directed against retail chains, with which farmers often do not have direct business relationships.

Local police

According to the organizers, by late afternoon it was not clear how long the farmers would maintain the blockade. The police were there to get an overview of the situation. There have been similar campaigns in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia for a few days.

More information

Several tractors are next to each other in two rows.

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Invoices in a stable.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Sina Schuldt

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