Donald Trump wants to leave the White House, as soon as Joe Biden is confirmed as president


Until now, Donald Trump has fought electoral defeat primarily through legal means. But after his attorneys went bankrupt, the still president’s resistance appears to be waning. He has yet to officially admit defeat. But his latest statements go at least in that direction.

Trump said at the White House on Thursday (local time) that he will leave the White House when Joe Biden has been named president number 46 by the so-called Electoral College.

At the same time, however, Trump repeated his unsubstantiated claims about alleged election fraud. “It is far from over,” said the 45th president of the United States. It was a rigged choice. In truth, Biden is the winner, the ongoing protests from the White House do nothing to change that.

Since the Nov. 3 election, Trump and senior Republican officials have repeatedly spoken out about voter fraud, but without providing any evidence. In the weeks after the vote, voices calling on Trump to end the lockdown have also increased in conservative circles. This week, the incumbent at least agreed to initiate the transfer of official business to his successor.

The electorate of individual states finally formally determines the president, Biden has far more than the 270 votes needed for victory: 306 to Trump’s 232.

The new president is sworn in on January 20

The process: The electorate will vote in their states beginning December 14. By December 23, certified votes must be in Washington, including with Vice President Mike Pence in his role as Senate Speaker.

On January 6, Congress will meet in a joint session to count the votes. Pence will then announce a winner. Biden will be sworn in on January 20 in Washington.

Icon: The mirror
