Donald Trump: Vice President Mike Pence could thwart his plans


  • Delia friess

    ofDelia friess

    to turn off

Donald Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, is under pressure. Traditionally, you have to read the election results on January 6. Now the US media is speculating on how Pence could calm Trump.

  • Donald trump: Vice president Mike pence should always be more than Triumph distance.
  • The American media speculate how Pennies an amendment to the constitution of the U.S could use for Biden to allow a good assumption of the position.
  • Vice President Mike Pence might Donald trump Stop perfidious schemes with the help of the United States Constitution.

Washington DC – Da Donald trump He never tires of repeating his unfounded claims about systematic electoral fraud, the whole world is wondering what will happen until January 20, the official inauguration of Joe Biden, it will happen. It can play a key role in this Donald trumps vice president Mike pence drink. According to an investigation by the American news website “The Daily Beast,” he is said to have been remarkably cautious. For one thing, Pence has repeatedly aligned himself with Donald trump and demanded that “all legal votes be counted and all illegal votes be resolved.” Then again, did this Mike pence not as aggressive as the others Triumph-Pendant: indoor, for example Rudy giuliani.

Donald Trump and his vice, Mike Pence (right).


Donald Trump: Vice President Mike Pence could oppose the current president

The appearance of Mike pence he is, as always, quite reserved. On the one hand, Pence could use it to attract conservative voters and many evangelicals, a religious group to which Pence also belongs, who, due to their aggressive behavior Donald trump perhaps more dissuaded.

“The Daily Beast” also claims to have noticed that the election campaign logo Donald trumps that previously also Names of Mike pence included, since the result of the choice only TriumphThe name adorns. Since November 25, the name of Pennies He also disappeared from the senders’ area of ​​emails from the electoral campaign committee.

2020 U.S. election: Vice President Mike Pence shouldn’t want to go down with Donald Trump’s ship

“The Daily Beast” also wants to meet an insider Donald trump who supported this theory. It’s an open secret in the Triumph-World that vice president Pennies don’t think the same as you about legal success Donald trump, according to the news site, allegedly by a government official. “The vice president does not want to sink with this ship … and believes that the legal was not always useful,” the source is said to have also said.

Devin O’Malley, Official Spokesperson for Mike pence, has already contradicted the claims of “The Daily Beast”. Pennies be behind Donald trump and “The anonymous sources at The Daily Beast have no real idea what the vice president thinks of these things,” his spokesman said.

Donald Trump: Mike Pence could make use of the United States Constitution

Several US news sites, including New York Magazine and Mike Rosenberg, professor at the School of Business at the University of Navarra, now raise the possibility of how Mike pence of the constitution of U.S Could make use of a smooth transition of governance Triumph to the government Biden to allow. Then i could Pennies refer to the 25th Amendment to the Constitution of U.S allowing the vice president to terminate the presidency prematurely or take over the business. The 25th amendment has existed since 1967. Paragraph 4 of this amendment governs impeachment without or against the will of the president.

Vice Mike Pence taking on Donald Trump? The planned trip fuels speculation

To do this, the Republican needs Pennies eight other members of the government and must explain to both houses that the president cannot serve. Then the business starts Mike pence about. Then he can The american president however, he still declares that he can perform all the duties of the position again. Pence and the ministers would have to rebut this statement again. The process is complicated, and even the American journalists who are discussing it claim that they are not constitutionalists. Furthermore, it is not clear what reasons could be given: Triumph Do you prefer golf to ruling? Does the current president leave confusing tweets and spread conspiracy theories? All that has Mike pence so far not particularly disturbed.

Complicated Procedure: How Mike Pence Could Stop Donald Trump

Despite the thought experiment, it doesn’t seem like it right now Pennies this movement against Donald trump would go. Also has Mike pence always with existence in the shadow of Donald trump satisfied. In return, pressed Donald trump implement a strict conservative agenda.

Donald Trump: How will Vice President Mike Pence behave on January 6?

Pressure on Mike pence meanwhile, it increases more and more: also Triumph His vice president has already asked on Twitter not to recognize the result of the Electoral College. Will follow Pennies must show some form of attitude no later than January 6, 2021. So that is, it will be Pennies as vice president traditionally before the Senate and the House of Representatives fruit of Electoral colleges misread. It will probably also ask if there are any objections to the result. There are also likely to be objections Donald trump But even then it is of no use, because the House of Representatives, in which the Democrats have a majority, would have to accept acceptance of the objections.

Vice President Mike Pence and current President Donald Trump (right).


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Therefore, it seems more than likely that delivery will take place Joe biden will run smoothly on January 20, 2021. Mike pence is to plan a trip abroad directly after the official vote count of the electorate before the Senate and House of Representatives on January 6. On the one hand it could be Pennies in this elegant way to enrage Donald trumps withdraw. On the other hand, the trip to Poland and the Middle East, among others, is destined to be part of the foreign policy agenda of Donald trump I will probably follow up. Mike Pence is apparently already thinking about the next election. (Delia Friess)

Header listing image: © MANDEL NGAN / afp
