Donald Trump is not quite on point


Trump and Xi have not spoken for eight months. The relationship breaks down. For this reason, the Apec summit was eagerly awaited. But Trump somehow wasn’t really there.

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The contrast was striking: As Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke about fighting the pandemic at the Asia-Pacific summit, the Twitter account of United States President Donald Trump spat out message after message about a alleged fraud in his electoral defeat. Even at the beginning of the videoconference of the 21 heads of state and government of the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC), Trump, who was added by the White House, looked remarkably distracted, almost disinterested.

First contact in eight months

It was not the grand appearance that the US president-elect and incumbent might have hoped for at the most important summit of Pacific neighbors on Friday. Host Malaysia interrupted the live television broadcast after the start, even before Trump delivered his speech. The Apec business community meeting was the first, albeit virtual, contact with his rival, China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping, in eight months.

Trump and Xi Jinping last spoke on the phone on March 27, before the crown pandemic actually began. Afterward, Trump praised Xi Jinping: “Great respect!” China has been through a lot and developed a good understanding of the virus. We work closely together, “Trump wrote on Twitter of the” very good conversation. “

Trump blames China for the pandemic

Since then, there has been no radio transmission. There is great tension over the trade war, Beijing’s rude course in Hong Kong, the persecution of the Uighurs, and US sanctions. There is talk of a “new Cold War”. Trump tries to limit China’s economic and technological boom and its influence. It is seeking a “decoupling” of the US economy. The relationship between the two largest economies has fallen to its lowest level since diplomatic relations were established in 1979.

APEC Summit in Malaysia: Due to the corona pandemic, the 21-member summit will be held via video conference.  (Source: dpa / Vincent Thian / AP)APEC Malaysia Summit: Due to the corona pandemic, the 21-member summit will be held via video conference. (Source: Vincent Thian / AP / dpa)

Today Trump does not miss the opportunity to blame China for the “plague”, the “China virus”, also to divert attention from his own shortcomings, as critics say. It accuses China of not having acted quickly and inadequately enough against the massive outbreak a year ago in the central Chinese metropolis of Wuhan. “We have to hold the nation to account that unleashed this plague on the world: China,” Trump told the UN General Assembly in September.

“Great strategic success in the fight against the virus”

On the contrary, Xi Jinping seemed very confident of himself, knowing that Trump will soon be leaving. The most populous country has had the virus under control since the summer, and currently there are hardly any infections. The Chinese authorities are using strict measures, quarantine, contact tracing and entry restrictions. “We have achieved great strategic success in fighting the virus,” Xi Jinping told business leaders the day before via video.

China also managed to reactivate production and thus achieve growth again in the first three quarters, emphasized Xi Jinping. With the world in deep recession, China will be the only major economy to grow this year, by roughly two percent. “These hard-won achievements speak volumes about the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy,” Xi Jinping said.

Chile had to cancel meetings due to unrest in the country

Russian President Vladimir Putin and the new Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will also attend the video summit. Two years ago, Trump only sent Vice President Mike Pence, which was seen as a sign of a lack of interest in the region. In 2019, Chile had to cancel the meeting due to unrest in the country.

The Apec community formed in 1989 represents more than half of the world’s economic production and 39 percent of the world’s population. The summit follows less than a week after the conclusion of the world’s largest free trade agreement between China and 14 other Asia-Pacific economies. The “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (RCEP) comprises 2.2 billion people and a third of the world’s economic output.

The free trade pact was seen as a success for China

In addition to China and the ten states of the Southeast Asian Asean community, United States allies such as Japan, Australia and South Korea also participate. The free trade pact was seen as a success for China, which was able to further expand its influence in the region.

Trump and Xi Jinping will meet again on Saturday, at the also virtual summit of the group of large industrial nations (G20) chaired by Saudi Arabia. It is the first meeting of heads of state or government since the pandemic began. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will also participate in the two-day deliberations.
