Donald Trump Blocks Crown Aid Package: Millions of Americans Lose Unemployment Benefits


Millions of Americans lost their right to unemployment benefits over the weekend because incumbent US President Donald Trump has so far blocked an aid package from the crown. The package of measures decided by both parties in Congress, valued at some 900,000 million dollars (about 740,000 million euros), foresees, among other things, the payment of higher unemployment benefits until March and the extension of existing benefits.

US President-elect Joe Biden said it was irresponsible for “millions of families” to “not know if they will make ends meet” immediately after Christmas because of Trump’s refusals. Trump’s irresponsible actions will have “devastating consequences” for the country amid the crown crisis, Biden warned Saturday.

The stimulus package stipulates that most citizens will receive a one-time aid payment of $ 600. However, Trump calls, among other things, for the payment to be increased to $ 2,000 per capita and, therefore, he has so far refused to enforce the law with his signature. Trump’s Republicans in the House of Representatives rejected such an increase on Thursday. Nor should there be a majority in the Senate.

The draft aid package has been with Trump for days. All that’s missing is his signature, but he spent the weekend playing golf.

Trump’s behavior influences the runoff in Georgia

Due to his unpredictable behavior, Trump also brings difficulties to his fellow party members in the state of Georgia, as the CNN news channel reports. For Republican senators there, there will be a runoff on January 5 for their seats. They both voted for the aid package. One of the senators, David Perdue, even posted advertisements advertising checks for those in need. For this he is now attacked by his democratic rival.

“Republicans should stop gambling while Americans starve,” Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren said on Twitter on Saturday.

As a result of the crown crisis, about 20.4 million people in the US recently received some form of unemployment benefit, almost 19 million more than at the same time in 2019. Due to different schedules and deadlines , estimates assume that aid will now be available to between ten and twelve million beneficiaries. have expired. However, if a new legal regulation comes into effect at a later date, most of them should be supported again. Unemployment benefits in the United States are often relatively low and limited in time.

Despite the expiration of certain crown aid, Trump formally has until early January to put the legislative package into effect with his signature or veto it. However, with the economic stimulus package suppressed in tough negotiations, part of the federal government budget of about $ 1.4 trillion was also approved. A law on provisional financing of the business will expire on Monday.

If Trump does not sign the legislative package by then, the administration would have to suspend its business on Tuesday. There would be a supposed closure. Congress could only avoid such a standstill by solving more bridge funds.

“In just a few days, government funding will run out, jeopardizing important services and salaries for the military,” Biden warned. The Democrat has vowed to campaign for another stimulus package since his inauguration on January 20 to contain the pandemic and stimulate the economy.

Icon: The mirror
