Crown: Taxpayer has every reason to shake his head


opinion Crown measurements

The taxpayer has every reason to shake his head.

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Dorothea Siems

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“The premature termination of the Christmas business made no sense,” says WELT chief economist Dorothea Siems.

Source: Oliver Berg / dpa, Claudius Pflug

The federal and state governments like to justify their crown measures with “We listen to the science.” The state intervenes deeply in economic activity and ignores the simplest rules of economics. No politician should be surprised by “shopping idiots.”

rethe shopping party is over. For two days, shops and department stores experienced an avalanche that in previous years could only be seen on Advent weekends. The premature termination of the Christmas business was not a sensible Corona campaign.

All the politicians responsible for this, now shaking their heads about the “shopping idiots”, should rather ask themselves why they continue to ignore the simpler economic rules in this crisis.

Anyone canceling eight out of ten business days in the run-up to Christmas on short notice shouldn’t be surprised by the crowd. The request to retailers not to attract more customers with discount battles bordering on royal satire. What else should entrepreneurs do when they have a lot of seasonal produce?

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Before closing, many people in the city center wanted to receive Christmas presents.

The field trial that has now begun to dispense FFP2 masks for free is also having predictable consequences: Pharmacies are being invaded because even the 25 million authorized people who bought the protection article a long time ago cannot do without the ones. three free copies. Now there are bottlenecks in many places and the door is open to abuse.

“We listen to science” is how the federal and state governments happily explain their ad hoc measures. But these are not economic researchers. Politicians are outraged that retailers are demanding the same financial aid for the special cargo that is given to hotels and restaurants – 75 percent of lost sales.

The fact that these November and December aid in many cases means an absurd overcompensation anyway, can now take revenge two or three times. Because the courts could enforce equal treatment.

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Long lines form in front of pharmacies, here in Eimsbüttel

In this crisis, the State intervenes in a more massive way than ever in economic activity, especially without considering the reactions of all the actors. Therefore, in the end, the damage will be much greater than necessary. The expanded short-term work allowance keeps skilled workers in the industry who are expected to have poor prospects for years to come.

Suspending bankruptcy rules also helps only superficially. After the turn of the year, numerous companies in distress threaten to collapse with even greater debt, then dragging many suppliers and ultimately even banks into the abyss. At the end of the chain is the taxpayer who really has every reason to shake his head.
