Criticism does not jeopardize Johnson’s position


When many are dissatisfied, that does not necessarily speak against a compromise. In this regard, Boris Johnson doesn’t have to worry much for now, because both sides of the Brexit political spectrum are criticizing the treaty with the EU.

The Scots, who never wanted to leave the EU, see themselves further from “Europe” than ever, the Welsh who wanted to leave see some of their flourishing dreams wither. And on the one hand, there is relief in Northern Ireland that a hard border with the Republic of Ireland has been avoided. But we also know that in business transactions in the Kingdom itself, many things will be more complicated than before.

What is Labor doing?

The situation is difficult for the opposition in Westminster. Liberal Democrats will presumably show “position” because they have always been against leaving the EU. But what is Labor doing? The party’s leader, Keir Starmer, has announced that he wants to approve the agreement outside of state political responsibility.

This attitude sets him apart from his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn. But at the same time, the Work is also falling into a kind of Babylonian captivity. When the downside to the Johnson deal comes out, unsurprisingly, and when Labor picks up on it, the Prime Minister can sit back and say that Her Majesty’s loyal opposition has agreed after all. An ungrateful situation.
