Countdown to US elections from Washington DC: “Riots expected here”


Valerie Höhne, DER SPIEGEL
“I’m right here at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington DC. Behind me you can see the White House. And if you look left and right now, you’ll see that most of the buildings are already closed because apparently riots are expected. here, after the November 3 elections.

Business owners have been preparing for Election Day for days: the expensive stores near the White House are almost all entrenched.

Valerie Höhne, DER SPIEGEL
“I hope there are no violent confrontations. That it will be a very quiet night after all and that our worst fears just won’t come true, that’s my hope here.

The capital is firmly in the hands of Democrats – there is nothing bluer than Washington, DC. Joe Biden leads the polls with nearly 90 percent of the vote. The same happened with the last elections.

Valerie Höhne, DER SPIEGEL
“In DC the debate dominates at this moment, that is, national politics. It is, so to speak, the debate that radiates to the whole country from here: How divided, how divided is the country? Is it still one? Can Joe Biden do it? An interesting anecdote is that when Trump moved in, he and his staff were not welcomed by liberals here in DC. Now, of course, they hope the Democrats win and things get back to normal, so to speak.

Valerie Höhne, DER SPIEGEL
“I think because we are so close to the White House here, what the president says, does and tweets is the most important thing here. At midnight, the other day at three in the morning, at four in the tomorrow. that this is what defines politics right now. And I think people here long for peace and quiet, at times a little less stressful. ”

Donald trump
The american president
“We made America powerful again. We made America proud again. We made America safe again. And we will make America great again!”

Valerie Höhne, DER SPIEGEL
“I think it’s difficult to make a forecast at this point. Personally, I think it would be dishonest if I really did make a forecast. But I think I’ll make a little forecast now. I think Biden will do better. He has a chance of winning. But nothing, nothing is decided And with the Electoral College, it’s the case that Biden could have millions more voters and still not become president. “

What else happened in the final push of the election campaign?
Riots broke out during a Trump rally in Beverly Hills. Thousands of Trump supporters demonstrated for a “red change in California,” and a counter-protest led to individual violent clashes.

In Texas, an election event planned for Joe Biden’s campaign had to be canceled for security reasons. The reason: Trump supporters following Biden’s bus across the state threatened to disrupt the event.

Joe Biden’s campaign aide Barack Obama once again showed how good he is on the basketball court – his perfectly formed shot went viral on social media. After all, Joe Biden saw this as a good omen for the expected election result.

And: Across the country, more than 80 million Americans have already cast their votes by early voting. In Nebraska, however, it broke down. Apparently a squirrel had damaged the power cables at a polling station; the power went out for hours. The citizens were still not discouraged.
“Okay. There are worse things. I want to vote!”

Although the District of Columbia is not a state, Washington still has three electorates, sure to go to Joe Biden. This is still clearly ahead in general polls. As always, the states on the battlefield decide in this election: in the unsafe states there are still nearly 200 voters.
