Corona ticker: 363 new cases in Bavaria


2.32 pm.: Hotelier wants to sue against the accommodation ban

According to the Lower Saxony Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga), a Harz hotelier wants to take legal action against the state ban on accommodation. Over the course of the week, a standards control complaint must be filed with the Higher Administrative Court in Lüneburg, Dehoga managing director Rainer Balke of the German press agency in Hannover said: “We hope they will act as soon as possible” .

Balke criticized that the holiday ban for travelers to the German crown hot spots has affected the core business of the tourism industry, although there have been no major corona outbreaks in the industry so far. On the first weekend of the new accommodation ban, hoteliers’ phones were no longer still because travelers were restless. “As expected, it all ended in chaos,” said Balke. Many vacationers wanted to cancel their trips and get the money back, although their place of origin was not affected by the ban. That leads to conflict.

In Lower Saxony, tourist overnight stays are prohibited for people from 28 German regions from Monday, unless they can show a negative Corona test. On the weekend the ban took effect, only 12 regions were affected.
