Corona NRW: more than 800 tests in Tönnies, no results yet


the Crown crisis Art and music schools. You expect September October to be able to offer a presence business again.

  • Like the one that comes Winter semester It seems that currently it is still not entirely clear. That depends on the future development of the situation and is currently “ground coffee reading”.
  • Police counted more than 50 protests against the crown over the weekend

    Update, Tuesday May 12, 10:45 a.m. The NRW Home Office has Anti-crown demos at NRW since the weekend. According to police authorities at NRW more than 50 protest meetings registered. The number of Assistants is underway by police authorities a total of 1700 Dear. Home secretary Herbert Reul (CDU) said. “This people endanger Not only oneselfrather others too. The police should not tolerate that. ”

    Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin laschet (CDU) considers that protests against pandemic containment measures in general are “legitimate” and a sign of freedom of expression. However, you are concerned if there is “Extremists on the left and on the right use the demos for your purposes, “Laschet said Tuesday morning in Gabor Steingart podcast: “But there are also normal people, so you have to take it seriously.” That in these demos, however Ignored distance rules I would and Attacks against journalists and police. gave “is unacceptableLaschet said.

    Union criticizes “exploitation system” in meat industry

    Update, Tuesday May 12, 10:25 a.m. After this Massive outbreak of crown infections at a meat processing company in Coesfeld in Münsterland Union Food Restaurants (NGG) at NRW strongly criticized the system with which many slaughter and cutting plants employ people from Eastern Europe. Is an “exploitation system”says regional president Mohamed Boudih.

    For him, the outbreak of crown cases among slaughterhouse workers is not surprising: “It was only a matter of time before Mass hosting to Breeding herds of the virus The tight living conditions in which many of the Eastern European workers have to live for the most part would make it impossible to keep their distance.

    Abitur: exams begin for 90,000 students

    Update, Tuesday May 12, 6 a.m. For him High school graduates at NRW kick off today the final exam under crown protection measures. The nearly 90,000 students will take their final exams before May 25, followed by oral exams. Then, if necessary, rewrite appointments are due.

    The Union of Education and Science (GEW) had in the special charge for graduates he pointed. The same cannot be said for the exam requirements. The conditions for distance learning had been very different for students in the past few weeks. Add to that the tremendous psychological pressure given the pandemic.

    According to the Association of Philologists of North Rhine-Westphalia, most schoolchildren “want to write their Abitur exams now, after all,” said President Sabine Mistler. no crown induced note drop.

    Emergency fraud: also suspected pensioners, students and unemployed

    Update, Tuesday, May 12, 5.20 a.m.: In addition to suspected professional scammers, dozens of unemployed, indebted students or entrepreneurs appear to have requested Corona emergency aid without authorization – And understand it too. A report from the Ministry of Justice to the Landtag documents a series of cases that are now being investigated. In many cases, the banks caught the attention of the authorities: the accounts of the Hartz IV recipients, for example, suddenly received 9,000 euros.

    the Prosecution in Duisburg reported on several cases reported by Sparkasse, including one student, four unemployed and two pensioners. There was also a raid against a businessman in debt.

    That alone Prosecutor’s Office in Wuppertal quantified the damage through 20 procedures, all reported by the Central Office for Investigations of Financial Transactions (FIU) 186,000 euros. the Prosecutor’s Office in Hagen He reported on a suspect who, in a few days, made a total of thirteen requests for immediate help from Corona “with essentially identical personal data.” The district government employee realized that the money was not flowing.

    Laschet also asks for relaxation in quarantine for returning travelers

    Update, Tuesday May 12, 4.31 a.m. North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) is pushing for further reduction of state requirements to contain the crown virus. In the “Rheinische Post” on Tuesday, he called for the Quarantine obligation for returnees from European countries too loosen up. He justified the end of the bull run in France, where people have had much more freedom since Monday. At the same time, he reiterated his call for the German borders to be opened quickly.

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