Corona news ticker: North Rhine-Westphalia threatens to go alone if daycare is opened – News Inland


Seehofer: loosening, but only according to the development of the crown

From the perspective of the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), further relaxation of the crown restrictions is necessary, but can only be done according to the development of the infection.

“There is a great order to protect the health and lives of the people who live here,” he said Sunday night on the ZDF program “Berlin Direkt.” “And we are very successful there, and now we have to ensure success.” At the same time, social and economic life would have to start again, jobs would have to be insured, and the economy stimulated. “We have to consider that now, and we are doing it,” he said.

▶ ︎ Seehofer recalled that the reduction of restrictions began a long time ago, with the partial opening of shops and playgrounds, the return of the upper classes to schools and the readmission of services. “Now we have started with the areas that are easiest to relax.”

Looking ahead to the next federal / state consultation, he said: “Next Wednesday, the Chancellor and the Prime Ministers, we will talk about the whole sport, not just about the (soccer) Bundesliga, but also about grassroots sport. schools. Of course we will also talk about gastronomy. And I would like to see more and more relaxation in light of the development of the infection. “
