Corona Munich: Söder announces new measures: incident infuriates him


In Munich, Prime Minister Söder reported on the new crown measures. An emergency cabinet meeting had previously been held.

  • The Bavarian economy and industry are particularly suffering from the Crown crisis.
  • In Munich, Prime Minister Markus Söder has now announced a “scientific offensive”.
  • We summarize the most important changes in the news ticker.

Corona Munich: Söder announces new measures: the most important information at a glance

1:36 pm: In response to the bleak outlook in business and science due to the Corona crisis, Bavaria is pumping more money into a faster one. expansion its High-tech research network. The cabinet decided on Monday in Munich. From April 1, the Offer since 1800 Research centers, Chairs and scientific staff. For this, 900 million euros are available. In reality, the expansion was planned gradually until 2023.

Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) spoke of a “real turbo” for science in Bavaria. The timing for this is almost never good. furthermore, the Colleges The positions that come from the university expansion program become permanent. This year 142.5 million are available and the next 100.3 million euros.

Bavaria High-tech agenda previously planned a new network for cutting-edge research in the field by 2023 Artificial intelligence and create robotics nationwide. In addition to the 1,000 chairs, more than 13,200 new ones will be added as part of a major university reform Study places in all universities and colleges of applied sciences in the country. The agenda amounts to a total of two billion euros.

1:34 pm: The officer is now The press conference endedThe ministers present are now answering questions from journalists.

1:23 pm: Minister of Science Sibler explained the results of today’s cabinet meeting. As a result of the measures explained by the previous speakers, he speaks of “unprecedented urban security”. too Finance Minister Albert Füracker praises a “top-notch stimulus package.” The motto is now to incur “as little debt as possible, as much as necessary.”

1:15 pm: Now the Minister of Economy takes office Aiwanger the word. According to him, the goal High-tech agenda in allowing the new to grow back where the old is broken. Although Bavaria was hit hard by the pandemic, it is confident about the future with a view to the job market and economic numbers, says Aiwanger.

Söder on Corona measures in Munich: “It will allow us to be competitive”

1:14 pm: “When Corona is defeated, the new ones will be Jobs they still offer opportunities. The investments will allow us to be competitive internationally ”, Söder looks to the future. “With lots of money and smart ideas” they want to start the change of course.

1.00 pm: The ministers are there, the press conference begins. “Corona just won’t go away,” begins Söder. Signs that all is well are not appropriate at all, you mean that Infection process in many European countries.

Munich crown: Garmisch-Partenkirchen incident infuriates Söder – “It must have consequences”

“Garmisch-Partenkirchen is an excellent example of irrationality. This carelessness must have consequences ”, Söder clearly positions himself in reference to the events of last weekend.

The virus got into the Bavarian’s heart Industry “Milled,” says the Prime Minister, gets to the topic of today’s crisis meeting and gives numerous examples. Reduction is planned in several large employer locations, “these jobs are no longer there for the next generation.” You have to face this promising topic.

Corona Munich: Söder reports on a 900 million project at a press conference

What should Bavaria’s contribution be in the crisis? “We take care of every workplace. But our long-term plan is called transformation, ”explains the Prime Minister. In the long term, new jobs and fields will be created. “The High-tech agenda accelerates, ”says Söder, a total of 1,800 positions are advertised. The Free State wants to contribute 900 million euros for this. That too Aviation program should be noticeably expanded.

Söder wants to start a “scientific offensive”. 730 new Chairs are advertised, also in the field of AI Research. The project was originally planned to last three years, but is now accelerating. Overall, this is a “real turbo,” praises the CSU politician.

Update September 14, 12.50 pm: The press conference with Prime Minister Söder, Minister of Economy Hubert Aiwanger, Science Minister Bernd Sibler and Finance Minister Albert Füracker should start shortly.

Corona Munich: Söder announces new measures after crisis meeting

Source message:

Munich – The Bavarian cabinet reports on Monday (September 14) on the Effects edit of the Crown-Krise in economy and Industry in Bayern – and what politics can do about it. The focus is on Automotive industry together with your suppliers.

Given the known or expected Reduction in many companies he had prime minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced Friday to discuss possible aid programs. In addition to the automotive industry, this also involves the aerospace industry. According to Söders, the focus should be primarily on aid for the particularly affected regions. In this context, he had also announced parts of his High-tech agenda accelerated deployment.

According to Söder, criticism of the Corona-Teststrategie Recently, a particularly high standard was applied in the Free State. “The Free State of Bavaria will be like this FC Bayern seen: If Bayern play a draw, it’s an absolute disaster and everyone is arguing for weeks if the club is in crisis, “said Söder of the” Augsburger Allgemeine “(Monday).

Munich: Söder responds to Corona’s criticism: he has a comparison with Bayern prepared

“No country tastes so much, so fast and so cheap as Bavaria,” defended the state’s crown strategy. the error this is annoying, but could happen in a total of more than three million tests. If similar errors occur in other federal states, this is apparently already priced in advance.

The white and blue mouth and noseProtective masksthat Söder has been using for months are now being turned into a museum box. “Museums are now asking if they can get a white and blue mask,” he told the newspaper. However, it does not deliver skins that have already been worn. “There are only new Bayern masks,” said the CSU chief.

Rubric list list: © dpa / Peter Kneffel
