Corona measures: Hotels at Christmas – provoking disputes


Following the move by some countries to allow hotel accommodation during Christmas, a discussion has broken out. The Minister of Economy and the head of the Foreign Ministry do not agree. The hotel association requires uniform regulation.

The federal government is discussing whether it should be possible, despite current Crown measures, to stay in hotels over Christmas when visiting family or friends. Until now, the rules say that overnight stays are only allowed for business travelers.

Federal Minister of the Economy Peter Altmaier said in a video link on the federal government’s crown aid that if meetings during Christmas are allowed to take place in a limited setting, it is also justifiable in his opinion that hotel accommodation capabilities are available.

“Not everyone has the opportunity at home to provide their guests with an overnight stay with sufficient space. Christmas gatherings in a tight and manageable family circle, as decided by the Prime Minister’s Conference, are not tourist overnight stays, it is a category that expressly we allow and want to enable, because the family reunion at Christmas is a very central part of our daily culture. “

Foreign Minister Helge Braun (CDU) made it clear that anyone visiting relatives during Christmas should not be allowed to stay at the hotel. He said on ZDF that the intention to stay the night could not be controlled. Then there is the risk that a tourist offer goes through the back door. According to Braun, this was also a problem during discussions between the country’s leaders and Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“This is not a normal Christmas party”

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert made a similar statement: “It is not part of the decision of the federal and state governments to make this type of overnight stay possible.” Citizens were still being asked to avoid tourist trips, Seibert said.

Even if the number of potential contacts is greater during the Christmas season than in the rest of December, everyone should be aware that “it is not a normal Christmas, but a Christmas in the pandemic.” When the federal states implement the resolutions, there are always deviations in the detailed questions, which is understandable due to the different conditions.

Some countries want to open hotels

Schleswig-Holstein, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Berlin have announced that they will allow hotel stays for family visits during Christmas. The Dehoga Hotel and Restaurant Association requires the same guidelines in all federal states. Dehoga CEO Ingrid Hartges said:

“It would be wise to regulate this at the national level and not have your own delicacies in the federal states. Clarity needs to be created as quickly as possible so the family visit can be planned now.”

“Opening hotels in the country is not worth it for many”

There is a demand for overnight stays during the Christmas season. This also applies to people who must take care of their parents during the holidays. However, from a hotel point of view, the question must be viewed differently: “For our companies, this is highly location dependent,” Hartges said. There will be more demand in cities than in rural areas. The opening will not be economically viable for many hotels.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on November 27, 2020 at 6:00 pm
