Christmas bonus: politicians demand advance payment due to Corona


To strengthen the economy in the crisis of the crown, several politicians suggest advancing the payments of Christmas bonuses. “We have to support retail now. That is why I call on companies to pay the Christmas bonus with October salary,” said the head of the Rhineland-Palatinate CDU parliamentary group Christian Baldauf of the newspaper “Bild “.

Baldauf argued that thanks to the advance payment, many people will be able to do their Christmas shopping in the coming weeks. So trade “would not have to fear a second blockade before Christmas which is expected to be preventable,” says Baldauf, who is also the CDU Rhineland-Palatinate’s top candidate for the 2021 state elections.

SPD member of the Bundestag Florian Post made a similar statement. The advance payments would ease the situation in the commercial areas during the Christmas business and would be of great help for the fixed retail, said Post of “Bild”.

The vice chairman of the FDP parliamentary group, Michael Theurer, told the newspaper: “Before it all ends with anonymous online giants, it would be great if companies that can still pay Christmas bonuses despite Corona prefer to have it paid.”

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