China: Alibaba founder Jack Ma disappeared after criticism of the regime – foreign policy


Has the Chinese regime silenced another critic?

Tech billionaire Jack Ma (56) is the richest man in the country and has been missing without a trace for months! He has not been seen in public since late October, according to reports.

The founder of the online mail order company Alibaba was once THE model of the communist regime. But in the fall, Ma provoked the ire of Chinese President Xi Jinping (67). Reason: he had criticized the regime.

At a financial forum in Shanghai, the technology manager said, among other things, phrases like this: “The Chinese financial system has no system.”

Ruler Xi intervened, personally preventing the upcoming IPO of Ma’s finance company Ant.

A senior Chinese official of the “Wall street journal“:” Xi doesn’t care if you got on one of those rich lists or not. What interests you, what you do after you get rich, and whether you balance your interests with those of the state. “

Removed from the casting show itself

Ma too Twitter account He has remained silent: Sometimes he sent several tweets a day, but not a single one since October 10.

Even on his own founding show “Africa’s Business Heroes”, Ma was suddenly replaced as a member of the jury. A few days before I was still writing Twitterhe “can’t wait” to meet the finalists.

Real estate mogul Ren Zhiqiang (69) only disappeared in China in March after he called President Xi a “clown” because of his handling of the crown crisis.

In September he was sentenced to 18 years in prison. According to the court, he “voluntarily” confessed to various crimes of corruption.
