“CheckNow”: this is how Schufa already monitors the movements of our account.


Updated on November 27, 2020, 7:42 pm

  • The Schufa credit bureau plans to have permanent access to our bank accounts. This test is already running under the name “CheckNow”.
  • The purpose of the service is to help people who are disadvantaged in the housing market due to a poor Schufa rating or when trying to obtain bank loans.
  • Data protection activists react in horror to “CheckNow”.

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When it comes to money and a look at their own four walls, most German citizens put an end to their openness and refer to the protection of private data. Under the name of “Check it now” is currently running Community Protection Test for General Loan Protection. These Credit reporting agency it is usually under the abbreviation Schufa a term. It’s about viewing, saving and Processing of confidential account information.

based on Investigation of the NDR, WDR and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” stationsreported that ARD Magazine “Panorama” of a Schufa plan, detailed in the future Access to consumer bank statements drink. This is intended to provide consumers with a bad Schufa rating, the so-called “Score” to help.

Until now, the Schufa has valued the in this ranking Payment history and solvency of 67.9 million people. So far, Schufa has been allowed to know how many accounts someone has, whether the person is paying off loans, or how many mobile phone contracts they have entered into. Whether the accounts are credit or debit and what people spend their money on has remained hidden from Schufa until now.

“CheckNow” offers the Schufa deeper knowledge

But already in March 2019 there is one internal presentation the reference to the intention to create “new scores” such as “Supplement existing scores with additional indicators“Upon request, the Schufa assured that The consultation of the data would remain destined. Only the relevant data would be viewed and saved only briefly. We are talking about twelve months.

Customers must have the Schufa The vision in its Account movements grant voluntarily and expressly. The text reads: “Attached I agreethat Schufa Holding based on the personal data listed below Kontotransaktionshistorie created.”

Just one click, but with important consequences. The Schufa receives through the set check marks at this point the Excuse me, the Details of the interested person’s account “process” for months. customers I would in the dark let him The process can continue without this permission being granted. it is.

Schufa representative: “People don’t want to click to break through”

According to the “Panorama” report, one Schufa employee this procedure towards representatives of savings banks confirmed in October: “Your consumer will click because people are lazy and comfortable. the I don’t feel like doing that, and the I just want the service to have. These representatives of the savings banks had theirs Privacy concerns voiced.

How Peter Schaar, Federal Delegate for Data Protection. The 66-year-old warned in “Panorama” that the inclusion of “a large amount of information, including highly personal information”, would lead to a new “view of solvency.” That could disadvantages arise for those affected. It is also possible that Schufa inspects the accounts, access third party datathat appear on bank statements.

Consumer Advice Center: “Snooping Accounts” Leads to “Fully Controlled Consumer”

“Spying on the Schufa account is not acceptable,” he criticized. Klaus Müller, Board of the German Consumers Association. “One of those deep data analysis of account movements for scoring purposes permitted Conclusions about personality, economic status and even clients’ political guidelines and thus ultimately leads to fully protected consumer. “Check out the legal steps in case Schufa implements these plans.

One Spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of Justice he said launching this new business model legal matters in. Therefore, the ministry, which has only now found out, will do this “Look closely“After all, this is” particularly sensitive data “and consumers should always be able to understandso each one Your consent Give.

According to Schufa, the payment behavior is intact even in the crisis of the crown

the Consumer payment behavior it is also at a high level in the crisis of the crown. This Schufa board member Ole Schröder shared current consumer creditworthiness Con. “For us, this is an indicator of a robust economy in tough times. “

According to Schufa, no increase in payment problems was noticed in the first three quarters of 2020. Credit loss At the end of September it was 2.1 percent, and therefore as low as in the full years of 2018 and 2019. Conversely, this means: 97.9 percent of all consumer loans are serviced adequately. the ARD Magazine “Contrasts” had in advance about the “Credit Compass 2020” reported. (hau / dpa)
