Cancellation of Oktoberfest (Munich): Oktoberfest replacement plan officially confirmed – The city announces details


Creative concept approval: After the cancellation of the Oktoberfest, Munich wants to help showmen with a new concept.

  • No Oktoberfest 2020 – that means no income for many operators and showman.
  • An extraordinary concept is supposed Oktoberfest failure offset from July.
  • The city council has officially given its approval.
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May 13 update: The Munich City Council has just decided: Fair attractions and Cabins will open in mid-July decentralized places from the Isar metropolis. Which stores and locations should participate are still being determined.

The title of the concept is “Summer in the city”. “We are entering really new territory,” said Wiesnchef. Clemens Baumgärtner I already said it beforehand.

In view of the limited travel options in the Munich crisis, Munich should be able to vacation, and thus rediscover its city, according to Baumgärtner’s staff.

We are thinking of a “high double-digit number of public and private places” where there could be a store. Customs events, children’s deals, and district initiatives could do just that. Program round out.

the Protection against infection. they are always on top. Therefore, the concept also provides temporal and spatial equalization, while at the same time urban areas would be animated. District committees must be closely involved. the Economic department Now you must develop a corresponding concept and present it again to the city council. It should start at the beginning of the summer holidays in late July, if possible earlier.

No Oktoberfest in Munich: the Oktoberfest replacement plan is very well received – “A very charming idea …”

May 12 update: The concept of business officer Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU) to support Oktoberfest presenters is well received. Greens, SPD and CSU approval sign. The city council decides on Wednesday (13).

Wiesn boss Baumgärtner not only wants to provide income to showmen, the concept is supposed to liven up the summer in various venues and give Munich residents at least a bit of a festival feel after the cancellation of Oktoberfest.

CSU chief Manuel Pretzl said Tuesday: “I think this is a lovely idea that fits in well with Munich.” It was also an opportunity for showmen and market people who were in need due to the cancellation of popular festivals, to generate sales. “So that trade does not die,” says Pretzl. “The culture of the popular festival is an important part of Munich.”

Showmen are suffering the cancellation of the Oktoberfest, now they should liven up the city and save some sales.

© dpa / Felix Hörhager

The SPD also sees a mini Oktoberfest across the city as positive. Councilor Klaus Peter Rupp said the concept was an opportunity to offer the people of Munich something that at least reminded a bit of a folk festival. Initially, Rupp wants to wait for the session template, but in principle his group will agree. “I hope we can achieve good cooperations, for example, large beer gardens.” Nor should creative artists be neglected. “You would have to include the cultural houses of the citizens.”

Green City Councilor Anja Berger argues similarly. “It depends on what is on the roster. It would be important for artists to be able to perform on small stages.” Berger believes the overall concept is good. “It is important that we do not create new critical points and that infection requirements are met.”

Cancellation of the Oktoberfest: a crazy idea should help showman in Munich and change the city

Source message:

Munich: Special times often require special measures. And the Emergency crown makes you inventive After Oktoberfest due to persistence pandemic had to be canceled as a precaution, the city now wants to propose an extraordinary concept Oktoberfest showmen under arms showman break all income because that Prohibition of major events. It is not foreseeable. The spring festival is also known to have been canceled.

Replacing Oktoberfest 2020: the idea of ​​Munich should not only help showmen

Now the Department of Labor and Economy has one concept elaborate, which is supposed to guarantee showman, however, income. Provides that Walks and games It will be distributed throughout the city from July. In this way, the administration not only wants to help the showmen, the places with little traffic could be revitalized in the summer. Munich residents who prefer not to vacation or simply cannot drive due to the crown pandemic * would have additional incentives to spend the summer in the state capital. Furthermore, the concept apparently also includes cooperation with locals. District committees, Link and Cultural organizers planned. In addition to that, this procedure would also ensure that not all critical points known so far take place in Munich, for example at Marienplatz or the Olympic Park. That would also provide incentives. local gastronomy.

The concept will be implemented in such a way that it does not go against previous prohibitions *, such as that of large events. Furthermore, distance and hygiene rules must also be observed for decentralized offers.

Oktoberfest walks distributed in Munich: livening up individual rooms

Showmen are the ones who suffer the most Cancellation of the Oktoberfest. As reported, the idea had already come up to extend the Oktoberfest in the next year as compensation. In an interview with our newspaper, OB Dieter Reiter (SPD) had given little chance of success. “I know that, for example, the waitresses, the paramedics, the police and the security forces at the end of the 16 days of Oktoberfest they are quite tubular. So an extension would be difficult for employees, but also for residents, to cope. ” The leader of the CSU parliamentary group, Manuel Pretzl, had meanwhile applied to showmans, for example in the area of Pedestrian zone in the old town and in other suitable places in the city Stands make available, but for the sale of snacks or the like.

The president of the German Entertainment Association, Albert Ritter, also had one Bankruptcy He warned: “If a government prohibits a professional practice *, then the government must also help.” Ritter also asked to check if smaller folk festivals might not be possible later in the year.

Munich business consultant Clemens Baumgärnter (CSU) wanted to join the Details of the concept do not express whether, for example, Ferris wheel and ghost trains be configured “We will discuss the concept with the political groups and then in the general assembly. The goal is to help showman and cheer on individual districts in the summer. ” on Wednesday deal with the concept.

* is an offer of the national network of publishers Ippen Digital
