Campaign in the US election campaign: The Bidens and the “laptop from hell”


Before the last television debate of the night, there is a main topic for the American Democrats: the corona virus. Camp Trump attempts to counter this with alleged revelations of corruption in the Biden family.

By Sebastian Hesse, ARD Studio Washington

When Donald Trump takes off his hide in front of his fans these days, it sounds almost like 2016. Four years ago they chanted, “Lock her up, lock her up!” And Hillary Clinton said. This election season they yell, “Lock him up!” – and my Joe Biden.

“Joe Biden has always been a corrupt politician,” Trump infuriates, “his family is a criminal enterprise!” As in 2016, it’s all about leaks Emails, this time from Hunter Biden, Biden’s son. These emails, in the field’s interpretation of Trump, show that Biden junior benefited significantly from the name and status of his father, who was vice president at the time, in his business relations abroad, especially in Ukraine and China.

What did the Bidens discuss with each other?

The White House demands clarification: “Biden claims he never spoke to his son Hunter about his business,” says Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff. “Now we know from emails that this is not true!”

The source of these emails is downright dubious – they allegedly came from Hunter Biden’s laptop. This laptop is said to be under repair and on that occasion the assigned technician took out a copy of the hard drive. This copy, in turn, was passed on to Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to a Trump-friendly tabloid.

The case is supposed to go to Congress

Trump calls the ominous computer the “laptop from hell” at every opportunity. In any case, Hunter Biden’s emails, if they come from him, are also worrying Congress. Republicans want the corruption allegations to be investigated by both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Kentucky MP James Comer stressed that his party will not give up if Joe Biden wins the election: “We will hold the Bidens accountable if they are guilty of anything,” Comer said.

Is Russia involved?

The pro-Trump media in the US have hardly heard of another topic for days. Democrats, on the other hand, claim it was another electoral rigging by Russia. A suspicion that the Trump administration’s chief intelligence coordinator, John Ratcliffe, immediately dismissed:

“It is very clear that the secret services do not believe that Moscow is behind,” says Ratcliffe, “there is no evidence of this. In any case, Trump now wants to put his Attorney General William Barr on the alleged scandal. And he will likely try to pressure Biden with the corruption allegations during the latest television debate.
