BVB: Mats Hummels all clear – Thomas Delaney is out


Quote by rosicky1990

Quote by Paco_Alcacer9

Quote by rosicky1990

Once it starts, it gets it right.
Haaland and Can before the game. In the game where the referee unfortunately often just looked the other way, also some aches and pains, for example with Jude. Hummels gave a slight nod on Instagram after the game … of course Zagadou was back on the team, but is he 100%? no match practice … now where 7? There are games this year, I would not want to do without Hummels, who are probably Borussia’s most important team after Haaland today.

And salary, if the professionals agree … and I don’t think there are any lateral thinkers, they know that they deserve enough anyway, even the youngest ones … that they can last a few months, especially since surely there are plans that there’s something when, hopefully, it’s all over
There will also be no winter transfers, unless 1-2 players are sold. But who pays Dahoud or, say, Delaney to make them “worth it” to sell?

If Corona attacks BVB, then also for the other teams … unless you have your investor, SugarDaddy or something else behind you, see Hertha wink

The referee’s performance yesterday was the biggest joke. Bellingham just got knocked down and usually didn’t even blow a whistle. The referee sees the “penalty”. Funny.
The Dortmund squad is big enough in itself, unfortunately there are players who cannot be replaced. If Hazard, Akanji, Reyna, Witsel and Delaney fail, BVB can replace them equally. If Hummels, Can, Haaland, or Guerreiro fail, the team immediately loses a great deal of quality. Hopefully it won’t be so bad at Hummels. It didn’t seem so tragic, I think Hummels did a lot of that once again. All good if it works again next week at the latest.

It is incomprehensible why Dahoud and Delaney are treated so vehemently as games. The two in particular always played well this season when they were allowed to play. Unfortunately, both “big” names have a relatively small lobby. If he opts for performance, Brandt, Reus and Meunier would have to be delivered immediately. Every absolute anti-performance game of these avoidable leadership players.

Nothing will happen on the access side in winter. Favre’s contract is expiring, you will wait until the summer and see which coach will continue and which players he would like to have. With Schmelzer and Piszczek going to the championship as wingers, with Akanji you could still hit an average kicker. But then it thins out. Passlack and Schulz are at best complementary players, unfortunately we see very little of Morey. It is necessary to improve.

Well, I think it has nothing to do with the lobby but simply the OVerall.
Dahoud showed exactly what during his time at BVB? Well, that he can only play well without fans and that is too inconsistent -> if there had been X sum, summer 2019, winter 2020, summer 2020, he would not have been part of the team for a long time.

I wouldn’t sell Delaney because his type of player just isn’t on the team. Left-handed (next to Rapha and Zaga) a fighter who works without end … but also here he adds X so he should probably go. And if I write something about newcomers … it doesn’t help to talk about transfers from 1Mios to Passlack, does it?

And about the achievements of the season so far … you may agree with almost everyone, but not with Meunier. You talk about “lobby” and then you do the exact same thing with Meunier.
He’s not a Hakimi offensively, but thankfully he’s not a Hakimi on defense either. And for me a legal DEFENSE should be able to defend one. And all the data and values ​​confirm exactly that he is much stronger defensively and that there is a connection between our significantly improved defensive performance and his obligation. It is clear that there is room for improvement on offense. Here, too, 2 goals would have been mandatory for him, but first of all to get these 100% chances and he should have had at least 3 more assists, but Reyna and Haaland gave them away.

Dahoud has already shown his potential with fans at MIT. Unfortunately, it is too rare. If you give a player time to develop, you shouldn’t give up on Dahoud the moment things are going well. You are absolutely right, Dahoud should have been sold in any other transfer window. But selling it now would only make sense for a sum that no one will offer. In Delaney, it has something to do with lobbying. He never played badly, he was always a constant and reliable player who, even in the summer, still expressed his lack of understanding that the media speculated on a transfer. Why should you go now? Dortmund would go into a losing business that wouldn’t exactly fill the gaps. You can do without the 10 million income if you can keep such a player on the team.

I will try to describe in simpler words why I call passport varnish. You’re talking about newcomers to a team whose team is about to blow up. I describe why you need to catch up on defense at BVB, but why space should be created there beforehand. So: yes, it is worth talking about 1 million transfers in Passlack, because Dortmund will not only hold back in winter because they have no money, but above all because the team is already well and widely occupied.

At Meunier we didn’t reach a common denominator, so I don’t want to discuss that at all. Meunier is one of the worst players I have seen at BVB. Technically it is nothing, offensive their flanks are useless if they get there and behind is always good for Schnitzer as against Lazio in the first leg. You can see the highlights of the games and Meunier won’t disappoint you, but if you watch the games for 90 minutes, you have to see what uncertainty factor Meunier is. Not all contact with the ball leads to a goal, but often even his defensive behavior is not more than correct. The fact that he on the defensive is right in the middle, sadly, has become the argument of all the people who want to “protect” Meunier. The player contributed absolutely nothing to Dortmund’s “best” defense. It makes it too easy to look at the number of goals conceded and see a correlation with Meunier. Piszczek also defends when he plays on the right, also Morey, also Can. Meunier doesn’t do this in an above-average way. Especially since it is questionable anyway whether Dortmund’s defense has actually improved “significantly”. Last season he conceded two more goals at the same time. That is a quantitative value. From a qualitative point of view, it is clear in every game that the Dortmund defense has great difficulties. Only yesterday could there have been two more goals with a little less from Bürki. So no one talks of a “significantly” better defense. It is very exclusive.
