Boxing matches, dancers, escape attempts: party hordes keep police in suspense


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Boxing match, dancers, escape attempts

Hordes of parties keep the police in suspense

The “fatigue of the confinement” seems to affect the minds of many partiers a lot. On the weekend, the police have to evacuate several crown parties. While the number of guests in Saarbrücken and Freiburg remains manageable, the ambulance arrives at a boxing event.

Police broke up several larger parties and similar events over the weekend. In Westergellersen, Lower Saxony, officials ended an illegal boxing match with dozens of spectators on Saturday, as Lüneburg police announced. According to this, a ring was installed in a barn in which the fighting took place. Up to 40 people watched the fight, some without masks.

When the police arrived at the scene, an ambulance also arrived. He took a seriously injured fighter who had come from Berlin to a hospital in Lüneburg. The organizer stated that the fight had been coordinated with the Lüneburg district. “Since this was more than unlikely in the period of a stricter crown-related shutdown, the event was canceled by the police,” officials said. Various administrative proceedings were initiated for infringement.

Birthday party in Saabrücken

On Sunday evening, officials also ended a birthday party with dozens of guests in Saarbrücken. They were informed about the party in the basement of an apartment building just before midnight. “Loud music, microphone announcements and party shouts” could already be heard in front of the house.

In the basement, the police encountered 35 people celebrating against Corona’s rules. Many of them tried to give wrong addresses. The party was dissolved and an administrative process was initiated for infringement against the guests. Some of them were reluctant to continue the evictions.

In Frankfurt am Main, the police cleared the harbor park late at night after several incidents. Around 50 people had previously danced in a so-called flash mob there. Larger gatherings of people were also formed on the sports fields. Apparently a 28-year-old was injured in a fight.

Escape attempts in the Allgäu

In Munich, the police moved on Saturday night to a party with loud music in the Schwabing district. The door only opened after a long ring and knocks. The police collected the personal data of 27 celebrators, issued reprimands and submitted reports.

In Stöttwang in the Allgäu, police officers encountered 21 people in a company on Saturday night who were sitting together with beer and music. According to officials, several escape attempts were prevented, personal data was collected and handed over to the district office for reporting.

In Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, police officers moved to a restaurant with illegal gambling operations after previous investigations. The officers encountered 29 people in the Haslach district. The “normal restaurant business” prevailed. Cards and tokens were confiscated as evidence.
