Berlin: CDU under criticism after public relations campaign with Lamborghini


With the trailer of a yellow luxury sports car, the Berlin CDU put forward an action plan to fight clan crime on the street and thus attracted a lot of ridicule and criticism.

The slogan “Criminals belong to Netflix. Not to the streets of Berlin” was stamped on the rented Lamborghini with the bullet holes glued on. Berlin should not become the “capital of the clan,” wrote the regional association on Twitter. “The CDU does not accept organized crime.”

The action took place on Berlin’s Hermannstrasse in the Neukölln district. There have been repeated raids against clans there in the past. CDU country chief Kai Wegner and his deputy Falko Lieke posed in front of the car during the action.

Meanwhile, the party was criticized for the public relations stunt on social media. Neukölln Green MP Georg P. Kössler wrote on Twitter that the action was “as shameful as the CDU.” Kössler was not alone with this trial. Some observers also wrote that the action was based on racist cliches.

The left-wing member of the Bundestag Fabio De Masi described the fight against organized crime as important. “But could you also do alcohol control at the Berlin CDU?” De Masi asked in reference to the action. Former CDU member of the Bundestag Christina Schwarzer said, thanks to the photo opportunity, “everyone finally knows what happens in Neukölln at night.” The malice about the action was “a smile on the faces of the Berlin police.”

The CDU regional association did not provide information on the costs of the campaign. They wanted to make it clear that clans could be more affected if illegally acquired assets were stolen, he said.

The red-red-green Senate had presented a five-point plan against the clans in November 2018. Since then, actions against criminal members of those extended families in Berlin have intensified. Two properties were recently confiscated.

SPIEGEL-TV documentary: “The power of the clans”

The action may have legal ramifications

However, the Berlin CDU itself could become the center of attention of the judiciary due to the public relations campaign. The Berlin prosecutor’s office has initiated proceedings on suspicion of improper use of plates. This was confirmed by a police spokeswoman. First, the newspaper “BZ” reported about it. It is said that the car did not have a valid registration number; this is now the subject of criminal investigations.

According to “BZ”, the action was not recorded by the police. However, the law enforcement office may have been informed, he said. According to the “Berliner Morgenpost”, there should have been a “battle of words” with a local shop owner before towing. A delivery truck for his business apparently stopped in the no-parking zone where the CDU wanted to park the Lamborghini.

Icon: The mirror
