Art theft in the Green Vault: 1600 policemen during a raid in Neukölln – Rammo-Clan members arrested – Berlin


About a year after the theft of the Green Vault jewels, Dresden police and prosecutor searched several apartments in Berlin on Tuesday morning and arrested three suspects from around the clan. More than 1,600 officers are deployed in the large-scale raid.

Police said there would be significant traffic restrictions throughout the city throughout the day. The focus of the operation is in the Neukölln district.

According to information from Tagesspiegel, 1638 officials are on duty. In addition to the emergency forces from Saxony, special forces have arrived from the federal government and the states of Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

A total of three urgent suspects were arrested. According to a spokesman, they are German citizens, according to information from Tagesspiegel from security circles, they are all members of the great German-Arab Rammo family.

The Dresden prosecutor’s office charges them with theft and arson. The defendants will be brought before an investigating judge on Tuesday.

Police searched a total of 18 objects since early morning, including 10 apartments, as well as garages and vehicles. Investigators hope the raid will help them find traces of the stolen art treasures, and evidence such as storage media, clothing and tools are also being sought. At least two police helicopters flew over Neukölln and Kreuzberg.

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Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) thanked the special forces for a “professional” cooperation: “The excellent work of the Saxony and Berlin police was rewarded today. We are happy to have managed to solve an art theft.” The mission is a signal to the crime scene: “No one should believe that they can ignore this state and its rules. The rule of law is the measure of all things,” Geisel said.

Police Union (GdP) Country Head Norbert Cioma said: “Today’s large-scale operation has been prepared incredibly professionally and very meticulously.” .
