Angry Trump Supporters Want to Block Walmart


A post on Twitter sparked a dispute in the United States. Apparently a tweet from the Walmart company was accidentally sent, fans of the president-elect are now calling for a boycott.

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Angry supporters of US President Donald Trump want to boycott Walmart over a tweet from the retail giant. The background was a message from Republican Senator Josh Hawley on Twitter. In it, Hawley announced resistance to the formal reading of the results of the presidential elections in Congress on January 6. Democrat Joe Biden had won the vote against Trump. The official Walmart Twitter account responded to Hawley’s message, “Go ahead. Get your two-hour debate,” adding “#Bad Losers” as a catchphrase.

The tweet was probably accidental

Walmart deleted its response shortly thereafter and apologized: “The tweet was incorrectly posted by a member of our social media team who wanted to post this comment on his personal account,” the company said when asked by the German press agency. Senator Hawley, meanwhile, enraged and attacked Walmart for having “insulted 75 million Americans” – that is, all Trump voters – and accused the company of using slave labor and paying low wages.

Meanwhile, the incident went viral on social media. Supporters of the president of the United States who seem to believe his baseless allegations of election fraud were especially angry. Numerous users insulted Walmart and called under the keyword “#boycottwalmart” to avoid doing business with the company.

Objections to plans in reading

In a session in the United States Congress on January 6, the results of the presidential elections of the individual states will be counted and officially announced. Only then is it official who has won the elections. There have long been plans among Trump’s Republicans in the House of Representatives to appeal the reading. Under the law, to force both houses to deliberate on the outcome of the elections, there must be objections from at least one deputy and one senator. With Hawley’s involvement, that requirement would be met. The action should only delay the reading of the election results.

The current Trump has so far stubbornly refused to admit defeat. The Republican claims he was defrauded by a massive fraud. Neither Trump nor his lawyers have provided any substantial evidence to back up these claims. So far, more than 50 lawsuits from the Trump camp have been dismissed from the courts, including the US Supreme Court.
