Aldi Süd trusts digital access controls


DThe Aldi Süd discount wants to introduce digital admission control in a large part of its branches. Currently, many grocery stores have storekeepers or security guards at the entrance to monitor whether crown protection measures are followed. Now they must be replaced in many of the almost 2000 branches by a display with a traffic light function. The counting system is based on video surveillance and analysis software. Branch employees are automatically informed about the use through an application, SMS or calls.

Of course, it is also a goal to keep staffing levels low to save costs. Retailers have been trying to intelligently control customer flows for a long time, but in some places the crown crisis is also accelerating technical development. Depending on the state and the city, there are different rules for the maximum number of clients in a branch, ranging from one person in 10 square meters to 20 square meters per person.

“We can confirm that different digital admission controls for access control are currently being tested in different regional companies,” Aldi Süd told the food newspaper, which was the first to report on it. Aldi Süd relies on the technology of a new Stuttgart-based analytics company. Other retailers such as Lidl, Edeka, dm, Kaufland, Rossmann and Rewe are also testing or preparing such systems in individual markets.
