Affair of the mask in the Union: the deputy of the CDU Löbel resigns immediately


Status: March 8, 2021 1:54 pm

In the end, the pressure was too great: Bundestag MP Löbel is leaving the Bundestag with immediate effect over his controversial crown mask business. The matter had put the Union in a situation of increasing anguish.

In the corruption affair involving Union politicians Nikolas Löbel (CDU) and Georg Nüßlein (CSU), the Baden-Württemberg member of the Bundestag Löbel resigned his parliamentary mandate with immediate effect. He is doing this “to avoid further damage to my party,” he said.

His questionable business with crown masks had led the CDU in the Southwest a week before the state elections in mounting anguish. Initially, the 34-year-old only retired from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag. On Sunday he announced his retirement from politics ahead of the Mannheim district executive crisis meeting.

However, Löbel did not want to resign his mandate in the Bundestag until the end of August. On the other hand, the leadership of the party and the factions demanded an immediate withdrawal.

Relief at the state CDU

The CDU MP had confirmed his involvement in business with protective crown masks and admitted mistakes. His company received commissions of around 250,000 euros because he negotiated mask purchase contracts between a supplier in Baden-Württemberg and two private companies in Heidelberg and Mannheim.

The CDU’s top candidate for the state elections in Baden-Württemberg, Susanne Eisenmann, reacted with relief to Löbel’s decision. This is “the only correct decision,” Eisenmann told the “Welt.” By his behavior he had “enormously damaged the reputation of the CDU and parliamentary democracy as a whole.” Eisenmann also asked Löbel to donate the money to a charitable cause.

Söder: Nüßlein should also hand over the mandate immediately

Before Löbel, the former Union MP, Nüßlein, had already focused on the issue of masks. The CSU politician is under investigation for the initial suspicion of corruption in connection with the purchase of masks. Nüßlein’s lawyer announced on Friday that the 51-year-old would withdraw from federal politics due to corruption investigations against him. Nüßlein also resigned as vice chairman of the Union parliamentary group, which he had initially only left inactive.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder, CSU, advises Union parliamentary deputy Nüßlein to resign on the mask issue

tagesschau24 2.00 pm, 8.3.2021

Until now, Nüßlein wants to remain a member of the Bundestag until the end of the legislative term. But he, too, is under considerable pressure within the party to immediately resign his parliamentary mandate. Among other things, CSU chief Markus Söder urged him to do this repeatedly.

At a Bavarian state government press conference, Söder said that Löbel’s decision to resign from his mandate was “clearly the best way” for Nüßlein as well. He firmly believes that a well-defined cut is better than a lengthening.

Otherwise, the impression could be given that “the remaining months in the Bundestag can be maintained for other reasons,” Söder said. He added that the CSU had no legal hand in the situation. But there will be talk of “party consequences” in the CSU presidium in the afternoon.

CDU deputy Löbel resigns from the Bundestag with immediate effect

Sophie von der Tann, ARD Berlin, March 8, 2021 1:30 pm
