Abou-Chaker Defenders Call For Trial To Be Canceled After Raid: Proceedings Against Clan Chief Could Break Out: Tax Investigators Contact Bushido – Berlin


Rapper Bushido returned to the room as a witness against his former business partner Arafat Abou-Chaker. But it was the chief defenders of the clan who determined the day. They demand the end of the process.

“The process must be immediately paralyzed by sentence, alternatively in suspension,” they asked the regional court on Wednesday. They argued for hours. The question of how the negotiations, which have been ongoing since mid-August, remained open.

The process took a break about two weeks ago. Mother Abou-Chaker was very ill, she died a little later and was buried in Schöneberg in the presence of hundreds of mourners.

A lot has happened in that time. A raid on the 44-year-old clan chief last week caused problems. During the search, among other things, on the estate of his villa in Kleinmachnow, Brandenburg, notes that Arafat Abou-Chaker had made for his defense in the ongoing process were photographed, defenders said.

His client had made it clear that they were defense documents. However, he was photographed. The right to an “effective and efficient defense” has been violated.

More than 300 officers participated in the raid. The police searched a total of 18 apartments, houses and business premises. It was a joint venture with the tax investigation, he said.

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Among other things, suspicions of tax evasion, fraud and money laundering are being investigated. Four people are suspected. So far, assets worth several million euros have been insured.

The search was “a staging in the eyes of radio and television,” defenders of the clan chief said. They want the circumstances to be clarified. Many questions were raised.

“What’s really going on in the back of the process?” Asked one of the attorneys in the room. Even the approach of the police was filmed by camera crews. Who had informed the press? Was it a betrayal of official secrets? The chief prosecutor said that the search was carried out during the current trial, it was “regrettable”.

Bushido gave tax investigators the keys to Abou-Chaker’s villa

The current process deals with alleged crimes to the detriment of Bushido after he severed his long-term business relationship with the clan chief in September 2017.

It is said that Arafat Abou-Chaker did not accept the separation, ordered the rapper to approach him, locked him up and demanded a fortune. Once, the rapper was attacked with a chair and a bottle of water. The accused are silent.

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The rapper and the clan chief together bought ownership of the nearly 17,000-square-meter villa in Kleinmachnow while they were still partners in the music business. But he never lived there, said Bushido, 42. It was surprising that a tax investigator had contacted him a few days before the raid.

“He asked me via email if I would voluntarily accept an inspection,” the musician said. Then he even provided the keys to the villa and the door. “Anyone who asks me gets help.”

However, he did not get an appointment in advance and did not know what it was about. Tax investigations are also being carried out against him. The court now wants to clarify the questions about the raid first. The process will continue on Monday.
