
The new feature is part of the free expansion of the HD Plus convenience feature to Samsung and Panasonic UHD televisions.
HD-Plus customers can now restart programs that are already in the RTL media pool: RTL HD, Vox HD, N-TV HD, Nitro HD, RTL Zwei HD, and Super RTL HD. Until now, this was only possible with the ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE and Discovery Group channels.
In addition to restarting selected shows, the convenience feature also allows direct access to media libraries and a TV guide with customizable search patterns. The guide finds programs in the linear as well as non-linear satellite program offering.
The integration of the reset function on all RTL channels is part of the free HD-Plus convenience function, which is integrated into Samsung and Panasonic UHD TVs from the 2019 model year, in addition to the HD-Plus transmitter package .
Buyers of the corresponding TVs from the two manufacturers can try the offer (transmitter bundle that includes the convenience feature) free of charge for six months.