Crown Rules in Bavaria: Söder Announces Extension of Lockdown – An Overview of New Measures


After the Corona summit and the cabinet meeting in Bavaria, it is clear: the blockade will be extended, but it will be adjusted. The most important innovations, relaxations and rules at a glance.

Munich / Berlin – After a marathon meeting between the federal government and the federal states, it became clear on Wednesday night: the blockade * will run until March 28. In the Corona * crisis, however, there should also be more freedom. Chancellor Angela Merkel * (CDU *) explained the planned initial steps at a press conference. When the federal and state governments have not agreed on new regulations, the previous resolutions will continue to apply until March 28.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder * finalized easing for the Free State at a press conference on Thursday while urging caution in light of the initial steps. “It is true that what was decided here are already very big steps.” March will therefore be a month of transition. “It can evolve for the better, but also for the worse,” said the head of CSU *. “We have defeated the second wave, and the third wave is rolling.” The danger and the dimensions of the third wave depend on each individual.

The opening matrix agreed to by the federal and state governments Wednesday night.

© Federal Government

All schools in Bavaria will reopen from March 15, if the incident is correct.

In addition, there are a number of Bavarian measures. The most important innovation: all schools should gradually reopen at Easter. Here, too, the prospects for openness are linked to the incidence values ​​of the respective districts or urban districts.

  • If the incidence is less than 50, all primary school students will be able to attend classes again from March 15th. All high schools can take alternate classes. For the first time also the intermediate level up to the 11th grade.
  • For it to be open, the 7-day occurrence must have fallen below the cutoff value for seven days. So: Incidence below 50 during a week = schools open.
  • If the incidence is between 50 and 100, all students return to alternate classes.
  • If the incidence is greater than 100, distance learning applies to everyone again, except for the graduating classes.
  • With an extensive testing concept, teachers need to be tested twice a week, there is a voluntary testing offer for students, outbreaks need to be detected quickly.

After Summit Resolutions: Söder Warns About Easter Blockade

“So we have to be very careful not to go carelessly into the next big shutdown. If a lot of people talk about Easter, then Easter will be a good time or maybe the next confinement ”. That is why they have now opted for “a triad of caution, trust and responsibility.” After the summit, Söder had already made it clear that, in principle, he would agree to the easing agreed for Bavaria.

Extended lockdown – decided step-by-step plan – what should change and when

One was agreed gradual opening strategy with built-in Emergency break: If individual loosening leads to a sharp increase in the number of infections in a region, all attenuations that have already been made will be automatically removed. If the incidence of seven days * is greater than 100 in three consecutive days, the rules in force until March 7 will apply again from the second business day.

Extended Crown Lock: the new rules at a glance

  • Stage 1 – March 1: Schools and hairdressers were opened.
  • Stage 2 – from March 8:
    to) Bookstores, florists and retail stores are allowed for daily needs. If the store space is larger, more customers are allowed.
    B) Services to close the body, such as massages, should be allowed again. What exactly is meant may differ from country to country. Lessons in driving and flying schools should start over (partly with a daily test).
  • Stage 3 – from March 8 at the earliest:
    to) Incidence under 50 years: New openings in the retail trade (1 client per 10/20 m2 depending on the sales area), museums, galleries, zoos, memorials, outdoor sports (no contact) with a maximum of ten people.
    B) Incidence 50-100: purchases by appointment (“Click & Meet”), museums, etc. by appointment reservation, individual outdoor sports with a maximum of five people from two households
  • Stage 4 – 14 days later / at the earliest from March 22:
    to) Incidence under 50 years: open-air restaurants, theaters, cinemas, opera and concert theaters, sports (non-contact indoors, contact sports outdoors)
    B) Incidence 50-100: each with a daily quick test or self-assessment: outdoor catering (by appointment reservation), theaters, cinemas, opera houses and concerts, sports (indoor contactless, contact sports in the Exterior)
  • Stage 5 – 14 days later / from April 5 at least:
    to) Incidence under 50 years: outdoor leisure events (max. 50 participants), indoor contact sports
    B) Incidence 50-100: retail (1 customer per 10/20 m2 depending on the sales area), sport (indoor contactless, outdoor contact sport) – no test

Corona Summit with Merkel and the country’s leaders: contact restrictions must be relaxed

Also important: contact restrictions should be relaxed. Starting March 8, a maximum of five people from two households must be allowed to gather. Couples generally count as one home. If the incidence falls below 35, gatherings of up to ten people from three households can be allowed. Children up to 14 years old do not count towards this rule.

If the seven-day incidence is greater than 100 on three consecutive days, the emergency brake also applies here. As of the second following business day, the rules in force until March 7 apply again. In this case, that means that a household and another person can come together, excluding children up to 14 years of age.

Corona Summit with Chancellor Merkel and the country’s leaders: new decisions

  • Tests *: Trial options will expand in early April. Everyone should be able to take a free quick trial at least once a week. Those who test positive should isolate themselves and run a more reliable PCR test. Both tests should be free.
  • Vaccines *: From the second week of March there should be regulations so that individual doctors in private practice can also vaccinate people against Corona *. From the end of March / beginning of April, general practitioners and specialists must participate in the vaccination and also decide the prioritization on the spot.
  • Home Office: Employers’ obligation to allow work from home whenever possible will run until April 30.

After the extension of the blockade until March 28: so it continues

On March 22, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the country’s leaders want to discuss again how to proceed in the Corona crisis. So it should be about gastronomy, culture, events, travel and hotels.

On Thursday (March 4) it could already be determined how the easing will be for Bavaria in concrete terms. Then the Council of Ministers meets and votes the decisions of the Prime Minister’s Conference. (kam / dpa) * / bayern is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Rubric List List: © Michael Kappeler / dpa-Pool / dpa-Bildfunk
