Joe Biden mistrusts Boris Johnson: “physical and emotional clone” of Donald Trump


  • Lukas rogalla

    fromLukas rogalla


Joe Biden’s new American administration is having a hard time trusting Britain’s Boris Johnson. The president sees many parallels with his predecessor Donald Trump.

  • At U.S it is no longer Donald trump, rather Joe biden when President at the helm.
  • Joe biden should Boris johnson due to its connection with Donald trump apparently distrust.
  • The similarities between Prime Minister from Britain and the first Presidents of United States they’re serious.

Washington DC – Mit Donald trump it was also a bust of Winston Churchill in January 2017 White House move. The outcry in the British tabloid press was great when Joe biden the “hero” of Boris johnson removed from the Oval Office. The British Prime Minister However, he held back with criticism. Dem Presidents of United States It is up to him how he decorates his official residence, he said in a statement from London.

New US administration doesn’t trust Boris Johnson: Joe Biden sees resemblance to Donald Trump

Under Barack Obama, whose bust was also removed during his tenure, looked very different about five years ago. Had in a newspaper column Boris johnson of a “download” by the U.S spoken by the “partially Kenyan” who, because of his ancestors, had an aversion to the British Empire. This year’s lack of outrage shows how much Johnson seeks to strengthen transatlantic relations. A mutual wish that the heads of government made in a phone call shortly after the new one took office. Presidents of United States he claimed.

Joe Biden is said to be deeply suspicious of Boris Johnson (left). She had described him as a “physical and emotional clone” of Donald Trump (right).


The apparently racist column Joe biden, the bottom Obama For eight years Vice president was, and not have forgotten his team. at White House should have a deep mistrust of Johnson shall prevail, due to their similarity and connection with Triumph.

By connection to Donald Trump: Joe Biden distrusts Boris Johnson

Boris said many things, “explains Ashish Prashar of the Joe biden/Kamala harris-Campaign for the “Business Insider”. “He has joined people like Steve Bannon. Also with his statements on the origin of Barack Obama was made public. “Biden’s change to a more progressive politician has also contributed to the fact that the president and prime minister of the United States differ from each other.” This expression that one becomes more conservative in old age: In Biden It was the other way around, ”says Prashar.

Based on the 2019 UK General Election Biden Johnson as a “physical and emotional clone” of Triumph reported, among others, the “Financial Times”. Shaking up that image is a challenging task for the UK Prime Minister. In 2018, Johnson said he would “Triumph admire more and more ”. “Imagine, Triumph would make Brexit. It was going to be very hard. […] It would be chaos. Anyone would think they have gone crazy. But you could actually achieve something. It’s a very, very good thought. ” Biden and his cabinet sees that Brexi extremely critical in himself. The new US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, compared Britain’s exit from the EU to “a dog that runs after a car, catches up with it and then runs it over in reverse.”

Joe Biden against Brexit and with suspicion against “Trump clone” Boris Johnson

Strive despite apparent differences Britain and the U.S close relationships as possible. Then Triumph-Era, this is extremely important. In addition, Biden brings enough experience to restore his country’s reputation internationally, Democratic Party leaders believe. The G7 nations meeting is scheduled for June in Cornwall, England. The climate conference will follow in November in Glasgow, Scotland. Then it will be Johnson want to show how serious he and his government are about climate protection, an issue that is also high on the agenda of Biden should be standing.

But if the political similarities also apply to a personally close relationship between Johnson and the concerns about Biden is another matter. “I think the relationship between the UK and the U.S it will stay strong, “Ashish Prashar told” Business Insider. ” “There are many reasons why we are inextricably linked. But i think Boris liked by the new government? No. “(Lukas Rogalla)

Headline list image: © SAUL LOEB / AFP
