Report on First Deals: Curfew and “Home Office Service Light” Must Come


Report on first agreements
The curfew and “home office service light” should

Ahead of initial planning, Chancellor Merkel and the country’s leaders are discussing further tightening of the current blockade. According to a media report, initial agreements have already been reached in preliminary talks.

In preliminary talks for the federal-state summit on how to proceed in the corona pandemic, according to “Business Insider,” there are initial results. In accordance with this, there is fundamental approval from the federal states for the Chancellery’s advance to introduce a nationwide night curfew. However, it is not yet clear from when and when that curfew will apply and if it should only take effect after a certain incidence, the magazine reported, citing information from government circles.

Additionally, a tightening of the mask requirement is under discussion. In the future, only the highest quality FFP2 masks may be used in local public transport and when shopping. In the discussion, however, the obligation is also limited to simpler surgical masks. Then so-called community masks made of cloth would no longer be allowed.

As a third point, the federal and state governments want to encourage businesses and administrations to work more from home with a “home office obligation light.” According to the report, the home office should be offered whenever possible. The Federal Ministry of Labor must carry out the corresponding order. It is still open if companies do not comply with the consequences and what the consequences should be and who will review the requirements.

A reduction in bus and train traffic that has been discussed in the meantime is off the table. According to the report, schools and daycare centers will remain largely closed for now.

Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to re-consult with ministers of state on Tuesday on how to proceed with the crown crisis. On Monday afternoon there should be consultations at the level of the state chancelleries and the Senate. An expert hearing is scheduled for the evening.
