Corona: Markus Söder goes into quarantine


Markus Söder (CSU) has entered quarantine. The Bavarian Prime Minister announced it on Twitter.

The reason for the move: Söder’s employee, Florian Herrmann, head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, tested positive for the corona virus today. Under the circumstances, he’s doing well, Herrmann wrote on Twitter. He himself is in quarantine. All “contact persons 1” were informed accordingly.

Söder is one of these contact persons. “I will continue the official business digitally.” He wishes Herrmann some progress and a speedy recovery. Herrmann has been coordinating the crown policy of the State Chancellery for months.

Söder asks the population for patience

Söder had previously asked the public to be patient with the corona vaccines that will soon begin. “Everything is being done, but the fact is that it will take time,” he said during a visit to the newly established vaccination center in Munich. Even after the provisional end of the hard blockade on January 10, life will not be able to return to normal.

The virus will never go away completely, Söder stressed. “But we have to get it under control, and at the moment it is not under control.” Many clinics in the Free State are already on edge. The infrastructure for mass vaccinations, which will likely begin on December 27, is already in place, but vaccine production capacities are still limited. “It will be an important additional test of patience for all of us.”

Also, it is not clear how many people will actually be vaccinated when it is their turn to be in the predetermined series. In this context, Söder cautioned against false information. “Two viruses have been running across the country for months. One is the highly dangerous coronavirus, which will hopefully not mutate. And the other is this virus of insecurity and skepticism and, to a certain extent, of ignorance ”. That is why he asked not to “invent all kinds of conspiracy theories” when vaccinating.

Icon: The mirror
