Corona: Söder in quarantine – Chancellor of State tested positive


Bavarian State Chancellor Florian Herrmann said he tested positive for Corona today. “I’m fine under the circumstances. I went into self-quarantine immediately,” the CSU politician, who has been coordinating Corona’s policy at the State Chancellery for months, wrote on Twitter. All contact persons will be informed immediately 1. One of these contact persons is the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and therefore must also be quarantined during Christmas.

Söder wants to continue the official business digitally

In the morning, Söder had visited a vaccination center in the Munich exhibition center with Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) of Munich. In the afternoon he announced on Twitter that he had immediately entered quarantine. “I will continue the official business digitally,” Söder wrote. For example, a video slot in the Bavarian cabinet is scheduled for Tuesday.

He wished his head of state chancery a little progress and a speedy recovery. As it stands, other members of the cabinet do not have to be quarantined. A state government spokeswoman said in response to a request from BR that Herrmann had not had any contact with other members of the state government in recent days.

Recovery wishes between matches

Politicians from the Greens, Free Voters, SPD and FDP also wished Herrmann a speedy recovery on social media. Among them were Forian von Brunn, a member of the SPD state parliament and deputy speaker of the state parliament, Wolfgang Heubisch (FDP), who was also recently discovered to have a crown. “Dear Mr. Herrmann, I wish my own quarantine a smooth course and a speedy recovery,” the SPD man von Brunn tweeted.
