Gerd Müller: Development Minister is said to have exploited privileges


Federal Development Minister Gerd Müller (CSU) has come under fire because he is said to have taken his wife with him on trips abroad in the government machine. As “Bild am Sonntag” reports, Gertie Müller-Hoorens has accompanied her husband on seven trips in the Bundeswehr’s airworthiness machines since 2017, mainly to African countries. At the same time, the development policy spokesperson for the opposition Greens and FDP factions was not offered to participate in a business trip abroad, according to the report.

“In the entire legislative period there was no invitation,” said Christoph Hoffmann, development policy spokesman for the parliamentary group FDP. In response to inquiries, it was only said: “That’s right, as a minister you can now decide who will travel with you.” According to information from the newspaper, Greens development policy spokesperson Uwe Kekeritz has not even been allowed to travel with the minister once since 2014. Sascha Raabe, a political specialist for coalition partner SPD, was also discharged from a voyage in February 2020, during which Müller’s wife was on board.

Five trips in preparation to fly, four on scheduled flights

A ministry spokesperson vehemently denied the allegations against SPIEGEL. “It is true that the minister was accompanied by his wife on his trips to Africa and in crisis and refugee areas,” the spokesman said. Government members can also do so in principle. Müller was accompanied by his wife on the government plane five times in the current legislative period and four more times on a scheduled flight.

“All costs incurred, including visas, hotel, meals, were paid in full by the wife, prorated flight costs for flight preparation were paid without exception for each trip according to the maximum rate of 100 percent” the spokesperson continued. By the way, the presence of Gertie Müller-Hoorens “did not influence the possibility of specialized politicians traveling.”

In September, Gerd Müller announced that he would no longer run for the Bundestag in 2021 and would withdraw from German politics. Instead, the federal government nominated him to head the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (United). The cabinet named the CSU politician as the German candidate for the November 2021 elections, the Development Ministry announced last Friday.

Icon: The mirror
