Does Donald Trump have to go to jail if he loses his immunity?


US President Donald Trump faces multiple lawsuits after serving in the Oval Office. After handing over to Joe Biden, he loses his immunity as president. That could have huge consequences for him.

Legally, it could be uncomfortable for the president of the United States, Donald Trump, after his involuntary departure from the White House. The list of accusations is long. He faces trials, among other things, for possible violations of campaign finance laws, for corruption and obstruction of justice. The latter is primarily aimed at FBI special investigator Robert Mueller’s investigations into Russia.

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Mueller found no evidence of secret deals between Trump’s camp and Russian representatives prior to the 2016 election. However, he did not expressly exonerate Trump from the obstruction of justice charge. In his final March 2019 report, Mueller made clear that charges cannot be brought against a president during his term. But he also wrote that “a president has no immunity after he leaves office.”

An overview of the allegations:

1. Investigations in the “Trump Organization”

The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office is investigating financial flows from Trump’s New York real estate company, the Trump Organization. The trial was started by Manhattan attorney Cyrus Vance. Before the 2016 election, Trump’s lawyer at the time, Michael Cohen, is said to have arranged various money payments for women. They claimed to have had affairs with Trump. Especially the Case of the former porn actress Stormy Daniels caused quite a stir.

Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, speaks with representatives of the media: a court suspended the trial of the American porn actress against Donald Trump and his lawyer.  (Source: AP / dpa / Mary Altaffer)Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, speaks with representatives of the media: a court suspended the trial of the American porn actress against Donald Trump and his lawyer. (Source: Mary Altaffer / AP / dpa)

Former Trump attorney Cohen told Congress in 2019 under oath that he had “no doubt” that Trump knew about the money payments in secret. However, the research is even broader. The prosecutors involved are investigating whether the president and his company have been involved in bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud and falsification of business records, CNN reported.

2. Michael Cohen lawsuit

There is also a legal battle between his former attorney Michael Cohen and the president-elect. According to the Reuters news agency, Cohen accused his former client of not paying more than $ 2 million in fees.

3. The Tax Issue

The New York State Attorney General’s Office is investigating whether Donald Trump correctly reported his assets. Based on statements by Michael Cohen, New York District Attorney Letitia James announced that a fraud was being investigated. Cohen claimed that Trump, along with his family members, “repeatedly inflated his total wealth when it served his purposes, such as trying to be among the richest in Forbes rankings, and deflated his wealth to lower his property taxes. “.

Prosecutor Vance had requested inspection of Trump’s tax returns from 2011 to 2018 because of the allegations; Trump resisted to the end. He was cited in this context during his tenure, but never appeared in court. Harry Sandick, a former investigator for the New York district attorney, told CNN: “The fact that I am demanding greater protection against subpoenas is largely based on being president.”

The “New York Times” had leaked the fiscal documents of the incumbent president a few months ago and published excerpts. It found that Trump paid only $ 750 in taxes on his income last year.

4. Illegal campaign financing

The Campaign Law Center, which is not partisan, has also made serious allegations against Trump. The lawsuit states that Trump’s team “masked” campaign spending worth nearly $ 170 million. To do this, donations were laundered in companies run by former campaign manager Brad Parscale or founded by lawyers from Trump’s team. So far, everyone involved has denied the accusation, “Business Insider” reports.

5. Defamation lawsuit filed by E. Jean Carroll

Journalist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of attempted rape. He publicly referred to her several times as a liar. So Carroll filed a libel suit against him. According to her lawsuit, she and Trump met by chance in a department store in the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996. They first discussed a see-through garment and then went to a locker room, where Trump pressed them against the wall and raped them. . In addition to unspecified damages and a reversal of Trump’s remarks, Carroll demands a DNA sample from the president. The goal is to determine if this matches the genetic material found in a dress that Carroll is said to have worn during the alleged assault.

A federal judge in New York has scheduled a preliminary hearing in the case for next month, reports the Daily Mail. Federal District Judge Lewis Kaplan issued an order Nov. 11 asking attorneys for Carroll and Trump to agree on a timeline. for the process to continue. If there is no agreement, both parties must appear in a conference call on December 11 before the judge.

6. Summer Zervos lawsuit

Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Trump’s reality TV show “The Apprentice,” is suing the incumbent president for sexual harassment. She had already filed the first lawsuit in 2017. Trump allegedly sexually abused her in a hotel room in 2007. She denied the allegations. The process, including a possible subpoena for Trump to make an affidavit, has been suspended until he leaves office.

Summer Zervos: The reality star is suing Trump.  (Source: imago images / UPI Photo)Summer Zervos: The reality star is suing Trump. (Source: UPI Photo / imago images)

7. Your niece was sued for embezzlement.

Donald Trump must also expect legal action from his own family: Mary Trump, the president’s niece and author of the book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the Most Dangerous Man in the World,” sued Trump in September.

The lawsuit states that Trump, his sister and his late brother cheated Mary Trump out of their fair share of the inheritance from Trump’s father, Fred Sr. It is in the tens of millions.

8. Reports of embezzlement

Trump threatens more legal trouble over allegations that he illegally funneled tax money into his own company. “Since his first month in office, Trump has used his power to funnel American taxpayers, and his political supporters, millions into his own business,” wrote the Washington Post shortly before the election.

One example: At the president’s meeting with then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the spring of 2018, Trump’s vacation home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida gave the US government $ 13,700 (€ 11,580) for rooms, $ 16,500 for food and wine, and $ 6,000 for Flores loaded.

9. Behavior in the corona pandemic

Glenn Kirschner, a former prosecutor, said Trump can and should be prosecuted for wrongful death for his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is reported by the portal “The Intercept”. However, this approach would be highly controversial.

Kirschner worked for the United States District Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia for 24 years, eventually becoming the homicide director. There is currently no lawsuit against Trump in this regard.
