US President-elect Biden: the tone is getting sharper


The fronts between Donald Trump and Joe Biden are hardening. The incumbent does not want to give in, the winner of the elections prepares to govern. Turbulent weeks ahead for the United States.

US President-designate Joe Biden doesn’t want to be bothered by incidents of incumbent Donald Trump. “We will get to work right away,” the Democrat said in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. Biden described it as “shameful” that Trump still refuses to admit his electoral defeat.

Trump wrote once again on Twitter that last week’s elections had resulted in massive fraud, without any evidence, and said, “We will win.” It has become clear that Trump lost the election since his rival Biden was declared the winner of the election on Saturday after a long pending match based on the results of the recount and the forecasts of the American media. The fact that you do not recognize this victory and want to take legal action against it goes against any democratic tradition in the United States. Still, some high-level Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell backed him.

Names to give thanks?

Nothing can stop the handover of official business, Biden said. He was probably referring to the demands of the Trump team, who want to question the electoral results in various states. He was optimistic that he would be able to name the first names of his future cabinet by Thanksgiving on November 26. Biden responded to journalists’ questions for the first time since he was declared the winner of the election on Saturday after a long pending game based on the results of the count and the forecasts of the American media.

Anti-Trump group launches campaign on fraud allegations

Meanwhile, an anti-Trump group founded by Republicans has launched a campaign against law firms that allegedly represent the US president in his challenge to the election. The Lincoln Project also asked on Twitter that you use social media accounts to locate attorneys for Jones Day and Porter Wright and ask them, “How can you work for an organization that is trying to defeat the will of the American people.” The Lincoln Project also indicated a desire for clients to stay away from law firms. As recently as Tuesday, Porter Wright deleted his Twitter account after it was inundated with angry comments.

Poll: About 80 percent of Americans recognize Biden as the winner of the election

According to a poll, US President-designate Joe Biden is recognized by nearly 80 percent of Americans as the future President of the US. A Reuters / Ipsos opinion poll found that 79 percent of voters in the The United States believes that Biden won the November 3 presidential election. Another 13 percent said the election result was still open. About five percent of those surveyed said they didn’t know who won, and three percent assume incumbent Donald Trump will have a second term.

The poll also found that 72 percent of American citizens believe that the loser in the election must admit defeat. Of those surveyed, 60 percent believe there will be a peaceful power shift if Trump’s term ends on January 20.

Trump keep playing for time

The president-elect is still trying to put obstacles in the way of his successor. As reported by the AP news agency, Trump Biden denied, among other things, the intelligence reports that presidents-elect usually receive after elections.

Instead, Trump’s campaign team filed a lawsuit for illegal voting in the state of Michigan. Michigan’s election results are unlikely to be confirmed until all votes are verified to be legitimately cast, he says. During the count, Trump wanted to stop the counting of votes in the state and a judge dismissed the lawsuit.

Other Republicans just don’t seem to want to admit electoral defeat. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said there would be “a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.” Pompeo reacted weakly to the question of whether Trump’s refusal to admit defeat was not discrediting the State Department’s calls to other countries for free and fair elections. “That’s ridiculous,” Pompeo said.

NDR Info reported on this issue on November 10, 2020 at 11:00 pm
