Brutal attack on Clan-Späti: youths raid shop in Neukölln – three injured – Berlin


Young men in disguises broke into a shop on Wildenbruchstrasse in Berlin-Neukölln on Saturday night. They are said to have destroyed shelves and merchandise in Späti and injured an employee.

A police spokesman confirmed the incident and two other men were said to have also been seriously injured by cuts and bruises. The confusion grew, more recently it is said that 30 thugs with knives, chairs and water pipes attacked each other.

The Tagesspiegel has a cell phone video that was shared on social media, in which the following can be seen: Several young men are fleeing from the sidewalk in front of the Späti: a strong man is apparently unconscious on the street, chairs and tables have been overturned.

There is a police station just a hundred meters in the direction of Sonnenallee: six suspects between the ages of 17 and 31 were provisionally detained around 7:00 p.m. In northern Neukölln, the attackers were initially said to be Chechens. Other sources reported that the youths were of Arab origin.

Men of the R. family are supposed to run the Späti “de facto”

The Späti is known to be owned by a Pole, but is regularly visited by members of the extended R family. The police spokesman spoke only of the fact that a known “large family” was involved.

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Men from Lebanon’s R. clan are supposed to run the shop “de facto,” officials say, the German-Arab family is active in many parts of Neukölln. Snacks, rented apartments, retail: relatives of R. known in the criminal milieu have tried in recent years to invest money in the trendy area north of the district.

After years of investigations by the State Criminal Police Directorate (LKA), more than 70 properties attributed to the family were confiscated on suspicion of money laundering in the summer of 2018.

An attack in Gesundbrunnen as an act of revenge?

Police are verifying whether the act may have led to a second attack in Gesundbrunnen. There, around 10 pm, around 15 people argued. According to the police, witnesses said that five people were talking in the street in a Porsche when three cars approached and ten people got out. The men who had arrived attacked with knives and clubs.

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Fights between families in between, sometimes also between ethnically organized gangs, happen over and over again. Sometimes it is business, sometimes so-called questions of honor.

The last dispute between the R. extended family and young Chechens was at a car repair shop in Tempelhof in 2018. A Chechen man murdered a member of the clan. The LKA bodyguards accompanied the Chechens to the subsequent trial.

Extended family R. gets into arguments over and over again

The extended R. family, which is present throughout the city, is unusually large even for the clan environment. The R.s came out because family members allegedly killed a man in Britz in 2017 (for which the defendant was acquitted) and, according to a ruling that has not yet been made final, stole the gold coin from the Bode Museum.

Before that, one family member blew up a savings bank, others stole KPM vases and traded in stolen goods. Due to fighting and gun rapes, R. men have been conspicuous for years.

In the summer, two members of the R. family on Wildenbruchstrasse refused to clean a suite before the aforementioned late purchase. The system was inconsistent with infection protection and business regulations. The men later claimed to have been insulted by a police officer in a xenophobic manner.

Shortly before that, the state anti-discrimination law came into effect, supposedly protecting people with a migrant background from any discrimination by authorities. The policeman in question internally assured that the accusation was a lie.

The R. family is also known for their energetic approach to legal issues. Family lawyers regularly ask newspapers and television stations to change their coverage.
