After the demand and urgent motion: First relaxation in Berchtesgaden


The Berchtesgadener Land district office announces a first relaxation: even after 8 pm you can order food in the pubs, which you can then collect or deliver. The day before, an operator of a catering company had filed an action and an urgent request against the original regulation at the Munich Administrative Court.

Citizens adhere to requirements

“After having observed in the last days that the citizens are adhering to the measures that have been imposed, I am pleased to be able to inform you that there is no longer any reason to bring or deliver food after 8:00 p.m. Forbidden, “explained district administrator Bernhard Kern (CSU). That is why this regulation is removed from the general decree without replacement.

More lawsuits against restrictions

The Munich Administrative Court, however, has more urgent trials and motions against the strict restrictions, which amount to a kind of lockdown. For example, you are only allowed to leave home with a valid reason until November 2; Hotels and restaurants are tight.

A restaurateur filed an emergency procedure against the closure of his business. In another emergency procedure, a student from Berchtesgaden wanted to fight to be able to attend her secondary school in Traunstein. The Munich administrative court rejected this on Friday evening. In addition, a tax advisor addressed the court with two lawsuits and an urgent motion. A hotelier has also announced a lawsuit.

The limit value decreased slightly, but is still very high

According to the district office, the so-called seven-day incidence, the number of new corona infections per 100,000 residents in a week, fell slightly on Friday to 278.49 from 292.65 the day before.
