“Die Ärzte” on the event industry: “Many really have existential fears”


The cultural business is dormant because of Corona – many artists and freelancers struggle to survive. More political support is needed, demands the band “Die Ärzte” in the daily topics.

For months there have been almost no concerts, musicians and freelancers have lost their income: the events industry is suffering greatly from the consequences of the corona pandemic. The federal government has long been trying to support those affected with bridging aid, for example. However, the measures appear to be far from sufficient. A development that the band “Die Ärzte” knows now in an interview with the daily topics It draws attention.

The trio had to postpone their tour for a year due to the corona pandemic: road, sound and lighting engineers lost their jobs. “We know that they had no work for the entire year and are very afraid of their existence,” said drummer Bela B.

Farin Urlaub: “These people are ignored”

According to guitarist Farin, many people take culture for granted, as something that is just always there. It may not always be noticed that the culture needs a complete substructure of people, such as club owners, roadies, and bands that don’t yet have a record deal. All of these people have to make a living and are currently being a bit ignored.

For example, the band supports the “Red Alert” alliance, which regularly uses demos and actions to draw attention to the precarious situation in the industry. “We hope that politicians will see and support this huge industry, which contains 1.4 million people,” said Bela B.

Daily topics reported on this topic on October 23, 2020 at 9:45 pm
